Search Results

We found 76 results for the Our Beliefs category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to What happened on Monday?

What happened on Monday?

Before we get to the cross on Good Friday, let’s pause and spend some time in the temple. Sometimes on our blog, we take a break from program updates and inspiring stories to reflect on why we do what we do. At Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, which is also a great time […]

date: April 2, 2023
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Links to The humanity of Jesus is more relevant than ever this Christmas

The humanity of Jesus is more relevant than ever this Christmas

The Christmas story is truly miraculous. So miraculous that we spend the whole Advent season marvelling at its reality. We ponder the accounts of lowly shepherds, wise magi, a young first-time mother and her humble husband. Angels come in glory and in dreams, a new star shines over the little town of Bethlehem and a […]

date: December 18, 2022
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Links to How to pray for the global food crisis

How to pray for the global food crisis

2022 has been a year of an unparalleled global food crisis. According to the World Food Program, as many as 828 million people go to bed hungry every night. The number of those facing severe food insecurity continues to rise as countries teeter on the brink of famine. And for people already living in poverty, […]

date: November 17, 2022
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Links to Is sponsorship a band-aid solution to helping kids in poverty?

Is sponsorship a band-aid solution to helping kids in poverty?

Our mission at Compassion is to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Maybe you’ve heard this and asked what exactly does that mean? Releasing kids from poverty—that is easier said than done! And doing it in Jesus’ name? That is a big claim, you might think. And we would say yes, you are right! […]

date: August 18, 2022
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Links to Martin’s story: A life of service and giving back

Martin’s story: A life of service and giving back

One of the beautiful things about children is their pure and contagious joy. Their ability to see goodness and experience happiness in the small, seemingly insignificant things around them. Childhood naivety can be a gift from God, especially when the circumstances surrounding a child’s life are not the best. It’s as if the harsher realities […]

date: June 2, 2022
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Links to Read our new devotional, <i>A Heart of Service</i>, now on the Bible App

Read our new devotional, A Heart of Service, now on the Bible App

Our new 3-day Bible reading plan, A Heart of Service, was written to help you think deeply about these questions and find inspiration and is now available on the YouVersion Bible App. Read Now Written by Compassion Canada writers Eunice Yidana and Rebekah Malbrecht, this 3-day devotionals will help you learn how to identify and […]

date: May 18, 2022
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Links to How a Compassion centre made Easter come alive

How a Compassion centre made Easter come alive

Easter Sunday is a day that believers all around the world wake up to celebrate the greatest news of all—He is risen! Although we’re not quite sure all believers wake up quite as early as Raya and her friends in Indonesia. For them, Easter Sunday is full of joy and starts at dawn. This is […]

date: April 12, 2022
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Links to How sponsorship helped grow Esther’s faith in God

How sponsorship helped grow Esther’s faith in God

As an adult, prayer can be difficult. Failed expectations, painful experiences and the suffering we see in the world around us can harden our hearts towards praying to God. How can we turn towards God with our hands and hearts held open when the darkness around us seems so heavy to bear? In times of […]

date: March 16, 2022
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Links to Praying for Ukraine: standing for peace

Praying for Ukraine: standing for peace

As advocates for children and the poor, we know the most vulnerable always suffer the most when conflict erupts. In addition to the obvious risk of lost lives, military conflict can also disrupt food and water distribution channels, interfere with access to medical care, eliminate jobs, destroy infrastructure, interrupt education and tear families apart. We […]

date: March 3, 2022
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Links to Black History Month: What the early African Church can teach us about theology, faith and generosity

Black History Month: What the early African Church can teach us about theology, faith and generosity

As a Black Christian woman, reconciling my faith with the painful not-so-distant history of colonization, slavery and oppression of Africans all supposedly in Jesus’ name, has not been easy to do growing up. For many of my Black brothers and sisters in Christ, the history of Christianity and racism can be even harder to bear […]

date: February 11, 2022
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