Search Results

We found 76 results for the Our Beliefs category. Showing results 41 to 50.

Links to <i>Postures of Advent</i>: A Compassion Advent Series, Week 4

Postures of Advent: A Compassion Advent Series, Week 4

How and where we spend our money matters. What would it look like if this Christmas, we chose radical generosity instead of habitual consumption?

date: December 19, 2019
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Links to A Gen Z teen shares about peer pressure, temptation and Jesus

A Gen Z teen shares about peer pressure, temptation and Jesus

Amnivabol is a teenager from the southern Philippines. She and her friends live simply in their town— far from shopping malls and a strong internet connection, unlike many other kids their age. But though they’re half a world away, their lives aren’t much different than the typical teenager here in Canada.

date: December 12, 2019
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Links to 7 times Jesus advocates for protecting children in the Bible

7 times Jesus advocates for protecting children in the Bible

As Jesus followers, we know we serve a God whose heart is for children. This is why Compassion works for the rights of children in Jesus’ name. Jesus is not an accessory to the work we do. He is the guidepost. Let’s take a look at the different times Jesus advocated for children in the Bible!

date: November 20, 2019
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Links to Child sponsorship: Get the facts

Child sponsorship: Get the facts

At Compassion, we value you, our partners in mission, deeply. Our hope is to be transparent with the ins and outs of our ministry. One of the ways we do that is by addressing your questions—big or small!

date: October 24, 2019
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Links to Why Letter Writing Matters in a Social Media Age

Why Letter Writing Matters in a Social Media Age

Letter writing brings up all sorts of nostalgia for most of us. When we think letters, we may think of a feather quill and a bottle of ink, or typing on a clunky typewriter by the light of a candle. Maybe we think of that box of letters we keep in our attic—the one that […]

date: October 9, 2019
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Links to 6 practical tips to simple living in an Instagram world

6 practical tips to simple living in an Instagram world

In our culture, it’s easy to get bogged down by distractions that take our attention away from what really matters. Here are some simple ways to help you reorient your heart and your mind! _____ 1. Consume compassionately. When buying a new item, ask yourself these three questions: Is this something I need to purchase? […]

date: September 6, 2019
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Links to Living simply in an Insta-filtered culture

Living simply in an Insta-filtered culture

Likes, stories, hashtags and DM’s: they’re the currency of our culture. For many of us, our eyes, our hearts and our hands are admittedly glued to a device that grants us a front row seat to the lives of our friends, family, celebrities, artists and influencers. And quite frankly, we can’t get enough. Popular social […]

date: September 5, 2019
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Links to Young Bea: A beacon of light

Young Bea: A beacon of light

Dancing with her tambourine, Bea commands the room with her beautiful vibrancy. “See good in all things” is not just something Bea wears on her shirt—it is something she wears on her heart. Just 16-years-old, Bea is a beacon of light everywhere she goes. She loves to bring out joy in the people around her—cracking […]

date: July 5, 2019
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Links to From drug addict to devoted dad

From drug addict to devoted dad

When you see Henry’s open smile and hear him laugh with joy—which is often—you would never suspect the dark past that held him captive before he knew Jesus. But this father of three bears deep scars from the suffering endured at the hands of a drug addiction. Henry’s life has been a struggle since the […]

date: June 13, 2019
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Links to Can the Enneagram help you respond to poverty?

Can the Enneagram help you respond to poverty?

If you are like most Christians, you are likely no stranger to the Enneagram personality test, a growing trend amongst many Christian communities. If you haven’t heard yet, here’s the scoop: The Enneagram is a personality typing tool that outlines nine basic personality types that people generally fall under. It’s an ancient tool that describes […]

date: May 16, 2019
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