Search Results

We found 76 results for the Our Beliefs category. Showing results 31 to 40.

Links to How to use your spiritual gifts in the time of COVID-19

How to use your spiritual gifts in the time of COVID-19

Life looks drastically different in this season, as does church, ministry and so much more. The way you normally use your spiritual gifts has more than likely been interrupted. But as the world weathers crisis and subsequently changes, it is so important for Christians to be in tune with the Holy Spirit and bring Spirit-filled […]

date: May 28, 2020
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Links to 5 (more) free family activities for summer in self-isolation

5 (more) free family activities for summer in self-isolation

From free at-home VBS content and kid’s magazines to wilderness scavenger hunts and gratitude walks. We’ve got you covered for family-friendly, faith-building and free summer activities to make the most of your summer in quarantine outdoors. Take a look!

date: May 27, 2020
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Links to Quotes to inspire a compassionate lifestyle

Quotes to inspire a compassionate lifestyle

As Christ-followers, we hold close to our hearts the call to be people of compassion and love. And even though we are in isolation, and our methods may need to change, the call still remains. Some days it can be difficult and even discouraging to mourn the ways we used to be able to serve […]

date: May 21, 2020
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Links to QUIZ: Which Compassion resource should you engage with during quarantine?

QUIZ: Which Compassion resource should you engage with during quarantine?

If you’re looking for something new to engage with, why not try one of Compassion’s resources?

date: May 21, 2020
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Links to The Enneagram and self-care during social isolation

The Enneagram and self-care during social isolation

More than ever, it’s important to maintain our emotional health so we can be filled to overflow, and ultimately, thrive in Christ. Take a look at some of our suggestions for self-care and spiritual formation based on your Enneagram type!

date: April 30, 2020
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Links to Good news stories: Ecuador

Good news stories: Ecuador

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government of Ecuador has declared a national health emergency. The government has taken measures never seen before in the country, including national curfews and quarantine. Compassion Ecuador has temporarily ceased all activities at all Compassion centres. But despite the closures, pastors, centre directors and Compassion staff continue to […]

date: April 16, 2020
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Links to A contemplative Easter at home: prayers, songs and reflections

A contemplative Easter at home: prayers, songs and reflections

Despite what you may be feeling at a time like this, we want to invite you to join us in leaning in this Easter—into the heaviness, the loss and the fear. To bring it as an offering to our resurrected King, who has indeed conquered death and fear. Gather your family, light a candle and pour a warm drink. Join us for an at-home Easter celebration.

date: April 9, 2020
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Links to The Lord’s prayer: for a pandemic

The Lord’s prayer: for a pandemic

Praying the words Jesus taught us over our lives and our world.

date: April 2, 2020
comments: 0 comments
Links to A Global Prayer Guide for COVID-19

A Global Prayer Guide for COVID-19

Join us in covering the world in prayer this week.

date: March 27, 2020
comments: 0 comments
Links to 8 free family activities for self-isolation during COVID-19

8 free family activities for self-isolation during COVID-19

In the wake of COVID-19, people across Canada are taking every precaution necessary to protect their family, friends and neighbours. For many of us, this global pandemic has caused abrupt life changes like school closures, work-from-home policies and extended March breaks. In other words, lots of time at home together as a family. But all […]

date: March 17, 2020
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