Search Results

We found 76 results for the Our Beliefs category. Showing results 71 to 76.

Links to The ripple effect of a family gift

The ripple effect of a family gift

If you were to meet a villager in the community of Kathesh, Tanzania, chances are he or she would be a farmer. Compassion beneficiaries like Esther, Godfrey and Stefano come from families who farm. And through special gifts their sponsors have provided, benefits like improved housing and income-generating opportunities are rippling into the lives of their […]

date: August 6, 2013
comments: 0 comments
Links to An eternal difference

An eternal difference

Story and photos by Richard Pouteaux. From the time I was a little child, I watched the shows on TV that depicted children in need around the world. I realized that even though it might just be one child’s life, I could have an influence. Jesus had sown a seed in my heart. In 2004, I […]

date: April 2, 2013
comments: 14 comments
Links to Show and Tell

Show and Tell

When I was in kindergarten, one of my favourite days was show-and-tell day. I’d get to bring in a toy (like my Super-Grover from Sesame Street) and tell my classmates all about why it was so awesome. In a way, the Christian faith is like that too. Throughout the Scriptures, we see this really interesting interaction between […]

date: October 23, 2012
comments: 0 comments
Links to Why Does the Church Matter?

Why Does the Church Matter?

Before a new Compassion project opens its doors to eager children, it is given life through its local church. But what is it about the Church that makes its work so effective? The churches we build through minister to some of the poorest places in the world – their own communities. They face the same […]

date: September 10, 2012
comments: 2 comments

How Can I Pray for My Child?

“Give us this day our daily bread…” This simple line nestled in the middle of the Lord’s Prayer is comforting and familiar. But the notion of daily bread is often overlooked in a culture where food is as available as it is plentiful. There’s food on the table, clothing on our backs, money in our […]

date: September 6, 2012
comments: 0 comments
Links to “Why do you have to talk about Jesus?”

“Why do you have to talk about Jesus?”

“Why do you guys have to talk about Jesus—can’t you just help people?” I sat silently for a moment to collect my thoughts with my wife’s uncle Steve just across the table, his frustration evident. I’d recently joined Compassion’s staff and had just explained how our ministry works. Steve didn’t like what he’d heard. I […]

date: August 23, 2012
comments: 0 comments