Search Results

We found 76 results for the Our Beliefs category. Showing results 51 to 60.

Links to 12 beautiful crosses around the world

12 beautiful crosses around the world

“So, I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down. And I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it some day for a crown” ____ The cross of Jesus Christ is the best-known symbol of Christianity across the world. We see it everywhere inside and outside of the […]

date: April 18, 2019
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Links to Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

As a Christian ministry, we get this question frequently. But the idea that we only serve Christian children couldn’t be farther from the truth! Our goal is to serve and empower local churches around the world to effectively minister to children and families living in poverty—regardless of their religious beliefs. What do we mean by […]

date: February 28, 2019
comments: 0 comments
Links to Dessert and a devotion: taste and see that the Lord is good!

Dessert and a devotion: taste and see that the Lord is good!

Do you want an easy, delicious treat from the Dominican Republic to share with your family, along with a devotional to remind them of the Lord’s goodness? These coconut kisses are a favourite treat in Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands. We hope you and your family enjoy this treat as much as sponsored children in the Dominican Republic do! […]

date: January 21, 2019
comments: 0 comments
Links to The excellent news about poverty…that nobody knows

The excellent news about poverty…that nobody knows

A new report produced by the Barna Group in partnership with Compassion highlights the good news about global poverty that very few people are aware of. In the report, entitled The Good News About Global Poverty, Barna polled U.S. adults on their perceptions, beliefs, concerns and action regarding global poverty. What they found is reason to […]

date: September 20, 2018
comments: 0 comments
Links to Thai cave rescue: Christians gather to pray and praise God

Thai cave rescue: Christians gather to pray and praise God

After the dramatic events now known as the Thai cave rescue, Christians from all around the Chiang Rai District of northern Thailand gathered on Sunday, July 22, 2018 to praise God for the rescue of 12 boys and their soccer coach. One member of the team is a Compassion-assisted youth. The majority of the soccer team participated […]

date: July 26, 2018
comments: 0 comments
Links to What does it mean to help children in Jesus’ name?

What does it mean to help children in Jesus’ name?

If you have ever looked at Compassion’s logo, you might have noticed that our tagline states, “releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.” You might wonder, what exactly does it mean to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name? For more than 60 years, Compassion has worked to develop children into all God intends them […]

date: September 21, 2017
comments: 0 comments
Links to Why help people in other countries when there is poverty in our own?

Why help people in other countries when there is poverty in our own?

Working for a non-profit that helps children living in poverty around the world, I have often heard the question, “Why help people in other countries when there are plenty of people in poverty right here?” It’s a good question, and an important one. Our time and resources are finite, yet there seems to be infinite […]

date: July 20, 2017
comments: 3 comments
Links to I think Canadians are compassionate because…

I think Canadians are compassionate because…

In this year of celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary as a Confederation, we’ve been thinking of all the things we love about this great land. We are proud of our country for so many reasons, and one that resonates especially strongly here at Compassion is Canadians’—you guessed it—compassion! In the 2016 World Giving Report, which surveys […]

date: June 29, 2017
comments: 0 comments
Links to 8 Reasons Why Your Family Should Do Step Into My Shoes

8 Reasons Why Your Family Should Do Step Into My Shoes

There is a lot of brokenness, pain, poverty and suffering in our world. Raising a young family in the midst of it all can be scary, intimidating and challenging—never mind talking to your kids about all of that brokenness. Where would we even start? How could we ever help our children understand when we hardly […]

date: September 7, 2016
comments: 0 comments
Links to Bible verses about poverty and generosity

Bible verses about poverty and generosity

Did you know there are more than 300 verses in the Bible that talk about poverty and generosity? God is clear in His word that He cares about those in poverty. He wants us to care for those in poverty as well. Here are just a few inspiring passages in the Bible about poverty and […]

date: July 18, 2016
comments: 0 comments