Search Results

We found 57 results for the Child Survival category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to 9 years of care: How Compassion’s child development model helped these triplets

9 years of care: How Compassion’s child development model helped these triplets

At Compassion, we are passionate about holistic child development. This means we don’t simply respond to poverty by handing out food or Bibles. Instead, we seek to develop children in all the different aspects of their lives while equipping local churches to share the love of Jesus with them and to journey with them through […]

date: May 23, 2023
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Links to Beginnings: How to start a life’s story with hope

Beginnings: How to start a life’s story with hope

Once upon a time. Four words that transport you into someone else’s story. Four words that imply a happy ending is waiting at the end. This unfolding phrase sets the tone for the rest of the story, infusing the possible danger, despair and disaster found within the plot with something powerful: hope. There’s no denying […]

date: May 3, 2023
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Links to Growing resilience: 3 ways Compassion is helping families overcome food insecurity

Growing resilience: 3 ways Compassion is helping families overcome food insecurity

Why is it that some people can survive a crisis and others struggle? Why does a changing environment devastate some communities but go nearly unnoticed elsewhere? The answer is simple. Resilience. When we talk about resiliency at Compassion—whether it is regarding food insecurity or another crisis— it isn’t the character trait of individual people that […]

date: April 4, 2023
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Links to Does individual child sponsorship divide families?

Does individual child sponsorship divide families?

One of the most common objections towards child sponsorship is how it has the potential to cause divisions between family members. Concerns over how unsponsored siblings may feel or how the authority of the parents might be undermined have been the focus of many anti-sponsorship articles. But at Compassion Canada, we still stand behind the […]

date: May 13, 2022
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Links to Six babies, three births, one incredible story of God’s grace

Six babies, three births, one incredible story of God’s grace

For many women, pregnancy and motherhood is a time of joy and anticipation—at least, some of time. But pregnancy can also be difficult, and not just physically. Even from the onset, some mothers experience anxiety and disappointment relating to their pregnancy or their circumstances. When Hajara got pregnant for the third time in 2020, she […]

date: January 13, 2022
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Links to ‘A letter to my grandson’: A story of hope in the face of suffering

‘A letter to my grandson’: A story of hope in the face of suffering

I remember how happy I felt when I saw my grandson, baby Deinner, for the first time. Despite the pain, there he was: so innocent, so beautiful, reminding me of God’s love. I started to cry when I finally held him in my arms, feeling that mix of deep sadness and happiness. He was born […]

date: September 10, 2021
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Links to ‘We are at a critical juncture in human history’: 5 ways to take action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals

‘We are at a critical juncture in human history’: 5 ways to take action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations reports that the pandemic has halted or reversed years and even decades of development progress. This is the sobering reality highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021. The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are […]

date: July 29, 2021
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Links to “I’m the first in my family to…”

“I’m the first in my family to…”

Every kid dreams of who they want to be, things they want to accomplish, places they want to go, and more. But for millions of children living in extreme poverty, this is when poverty’s evil lies start to creep in. You’ll never achieve those dreams. Poverty will always define your life. You’re stuck. Kids in […]

date: June 9, 2021
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Links to Concert of Hope: A Friday night with dynamic talent that impacts lives

Concert of Hope: A Friday night with dynamic talent that impacts lives

Resonance. It’s a musical term that captures the impact of a note after it has been played or sung. How that note interacts with time and space. The right frequency for maximum amplification. If there is one thing the Concert of Hope knows how to utilize, it’s resonance. With a world-class collection of artists and […]

date: May 25, 2021
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Links to What matters most: A mother’s everyday routine is the conduit of character

What matters most: A mother’s everyday routine is the conduit of character

This Mother’s Day we celebrate women who nurture, lead, pray, protect, play, teach and love with tenacity. The mothers, grandmothers, aunts, mentors and the wide scope of women who deeply invest in those around them. Women who are memory-makers and architects of tomorrow through the daily expression of character and sacrificial love. The deep well […]

date: May 5, 2021
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