Search Results

We found 57 results for the Child Survival category. Showing results 41 to 50.

Links to From poverty to prosperity

From poverty to prosperity

A family in northern Rwanda has gone from extreme privation to abundance thanks to God’s work through the Child Survival Program. The hills of northern Rwanda, where the village of Bukane sits, feel like paradise. The hills are carpeted in green, and numerous waterfalls cascade down rocky cliffs. Through the mist, the double peaks of […]

date: February 9, 2017
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Links to Why do people living in poverty have large families?

Why do people living in poverty have large families?

At Compassion we believe that every child is a joy and a blessing. We know from the psalmist that “children are a gift from the Lord.” Families come in all sizes—some are small and some are large. But there’s one question we sometimes hear from those living in Western cultures: when income is scarce and […]

date: January 23, 2017
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Links to A new life for Betty

A new life for Betty

Betty’s childhood was one of suffering and misery. But through the Child Survival Program, she is finding a new life. When Betty was just four, her mother passed away. Two years later, her father killed himself, leaving Betty with his sister. But Betty’s aunt didn’t treat her well. “Sadly, my aunt was not a good woman. She […]

date: October 10, 2016
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Links to The eighth child lived*

The eighth child lived*

*This is an update on a story previously published by Compassion Canada in 2011. Hadija lay unconscious in her hospital bed. She had bled too much, for too long. Her baby, her sixth child, was dead. Her husband, Mwambu, looked on in despair. “Leave her. This woman is already dead,” his mother told him, pulling […]

date: July 31, 2016
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Links to Fuel to endure

Fuel to endure

Eight-year-old Mariam climbs on a stack of white sacks containing charcoal and begins to sing. “This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made,” she belts out. A group of children gathers around her. There’s a 5- or 6-year-old girl carrying her infant brother on her back, a boy with sores […]

date: July 27, 2016
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Links to Saving Santos

Saving Santos

Juana, her husband, Miguel and their three young sons live in Totonicapán, or Toto, as the locals call the lush, forested province in western Guatemala. Juana is a housewife and Miguel is a farmer. He earns around $8 CAD per day but usually only finds work three to five days a week. It’s barely enough for this […]

date: April 28, 2016
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Links to Spend a day with a Child Survival Program Implementer

Spend a day with a Child Survival Program Implementer

Meet Ann. Ann is an implementer for Compassion’s Child Survival Program in the Philippines. She works directly with the moms and babies registered at our local church partner in the community of Karuhatan in Metro Manila. Ann and fellow implementer Irma set out on foot to visit the homes of families registered in the program. They travel […]

date: November 14, 2015
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Links to Glory and poverty

Glory and poverty

I look out the bus and to my left, I see the ocean flash its shades of turquoise and blue. On my right, lush, green hills. Glory. Absolute, beautiful glory. I imagine the Garden of Eden couldn’t have looked much different than Haiti. Then the pristine landscape is interrupted by shacks and dirt. Mounds of […]

date: October 8, 2015
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Links to A peek into Child Survival Programs around the world

A peek into Child Survival Programs around the world

At Compassion, our goal is to help children develop in every area of their life—and that means starting before birth. That’s why our church partners work alongside parents and caregivers through the Child Survival Program, tailoring the program to meet specific needs in their community. Here are just a few activities happening in Child Survival Programs around the globe. […]

date: September 23, 2015
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Links to Supporting single dads

Supporting single dads

Most of the caregivers in Compassion’s Child Survival Program are mothers, but Compassion also comes alongside fathers who are raising their children alone.    “I want to be a father and a mother for my children. I will take this responsibility for as long as I live in the world,” says Lerry. Lerry is the […]

date: June 17, 2015
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