Search Results

We found 57 results for the Child Survival category. Showing results 31 to 40.

Links to When poverty meets pregnancy

When poverty meets pregnancy

When you look up from Tiruwork and Enyew’s home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, you can see the vultures circling. They rise on a draft then swoop down upon the mountain of trash below. Tiruwork and Enyew are a young couple who live near the city dump. The heaps of garbage form foothills in front of […]

date: May 7, 2019
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Links to A strength that comes from sisterhood

A strength that comes from sisterhood

Like many newlyweds and expecting parents, the love radiating between Tigist and Abebaw is evident. But the consistent physical care and service Tigist offers her husband is the kind that is not commonly required of young couples—and shows just how extraordinary this woman is. Abebaw is paralyzed, and Tigist is his primary caregiver. He became paralyzed […]

date: March 28, 2019
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Links to For Patnaree, there was no time to waste

For Patnaree, there was no time to waste

The birth of a child should be met with joy, not fear. But when Patnaree entered the world with a stomach deformity, her mother Chernaypaw was terrified. How could she possibly access the medical treatment Patnaree so desperately required? The lead up to the birth of her third child was filled with uncertainty for Chernaypaw. During […]

date: July 16, 2018
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Links to Help these miracle triplets have the best birthday ever!

Help these miracle triplets have the best birthday ever!

Annet is an awe-inspiring single mother of triplets who needs your help. After delivering one baby, she was rushed to a hospital on a motorbike where she unexpectedly delivered two more! Abandoned by her husband, she is raising these precious miracles alone. And her family desperately needs a safe home. The unexpected arrival of triple […]

date: July 13, 2018
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Links to 5 strong women of the Bible and their modern counterparts

5 strong women of the Bible and their modern counterparts

Strong women inspire me. From young girls using their voices to grandmothers raising up the next generation to be confident in themselves, it’s amazing to witness courageous women in action. And in a time where equality is still fiercely fought for, we want to honour some of the great women of the Bible whose strength […]

date: May 10, 2018
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Links to Life after Zika: A special baby with a special purpose

Life after Zika: A special baby with a special purpose

Maria didn’t know she had suffered from the Zika virus until her baby was born with microcephaly. Now her child is receiving care and support through the local church.  Every time there was a major event in Maria’s life she remembers one thing—she was alone. When she had to quit school at the age of […]

date: January 8, 2018
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Links to Shakul—the story behind the striking face

Shakul—the story behind the striking face

His sparkling blue eyes first capture your attention, drawing you in. Then you notice the bold streak of light-coloured skin on his forehead and his lighter hands. His appearance is striking. You may recall a photo that we shared of this boy on Instagram. Meet Shakul. Born in rural Uganda to young, unmarried parents, his […]

date: January 2, 2018
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Links to Country highlights from our African partners

Country highlights from our African partners

God is doing amazing things around the world through the dedicated work of our church partners. Take a look at just a few of the amazing stories from our African partners.  Togo: No child deaths by malaria! Each year in the community of Amlamé, a town in southern Togo, malaria kills 60 of the community’s children, […]

date: July 23, 2017
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Links to From murder to a new creation

From murder to a new creation

A desperate wife considers murder, but turns to Jesus instead. It had happened one too many times. Maria Elena’s husband would come home drunk. He would shout. He would threaten. And he would beat her—in front of their three children. Tragically, domestic abuse is common in many homes in the Dominican Republic. Machismo, a Latin […]

date: April 13, 2017
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Links to Making soap, bringing hope

Making soap, bringing hope

An intervention in Burkina Faso is giving moms the tools they need to support their families. It’s still morning, but the blazing west African sun is already baking the church’s adobe walls and causing heat waves to shimmer like water above the dusty ground. In the shade of an old tree beside the church, Julienne […]

date: February 9, 2017
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