Search Results

We found 57 results for the Child Survival category. Showing results 21 to 30.

Links to The emotional birth stories of moms in quarantine

The emotional birth stories of moms in quarantine

In Bangladesh, Ecuador and Honduras, these brave mamas—with the help of their family and Compassion staff—were able to welcome their precious babies into the world safely and soundly amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Take a look at their incredible birth stories!

date: May 6, 2020
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Links to Good news stories: Ethiopia

Good news stories: Ethiopia

In compliance with the government of Ethiopia, Compassion Ethiopia’s church partners across the country have ceased program activities at their Compassion centres, while all national office staff are working from home. Despite the closures, Compassion Ethiopia is still responding in this critical time, supporting new mothers, providing for families in need and proudly and prayerfully […]

date: April 24, 2020
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Links to Meet 3 creative Canadian volunteers

Meet 3 creative Canadian volunteers

What do a musician, a quilter and a Nerf warrior have in common? Their love for Compassion! Come meet 3 of our incredibly creative Canadian volunteers who are using their gifts, talents and passions to release children from poverty.

date: April 22, 2020
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Links to An Inspiring Update on the Boy with the Bright Blue Eyes

An Inspiring Update on the Boy with the Bright Blue Eyes

Two years ago, we shared the story of the incredible Ugandan baby boy with ocean blue eyes and a bold streak on his forehead. Today, Shakul is 4-years-old and is taking the world by storm despite his physical difference.

date: January 31, 2020
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Links to 9 Awesome Things You Were Part of This Year

9 Awesome Things You Were Part of This Year

2019 was an incredible year in many ways for Compassion Canada! Because of our supporters, we were able to see more children and families empowered to break the chains of poverty and oppression. From providing shelter for refugees to giving a family of triplets a brand new home, you served those around the world in creative ways. Take a look at some good news stories from 2019 illustrated by us, just for you!

date: December 27, 2019
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Links to The rights of children—in photos

The rights of children—in photos

November 2019 is the 30th anniversary of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child. According to UNICEF, it is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history, in which world leaders “made a promise to every child to protect and fulfil their rights, by adopting [this] international legal framework.” More: Read some […]

date: November 14, 2019
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Links to 3 ways the world has changed for children in 30 years

3 ways the world has changed for children in 30 years

In this article: God’s heart for children reflected in the global effort to uphold the rights of children. Three ways the rights of children have advanced over the last 30 years. Why we can celebrate and look to the work ahead of us. ____ This year, Compassion joins other humanitarian and child-focused organizations around the […]

date: November 14, 2019
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Links to 3 things we can celebrate in the fight against poverty

3 things we can celebrate in the fight against poverty

Eradicating poverty is something we’re pretty passionate about! While there’s definitely a lot of work still to be done, there are also several things we can celebrate in the fight against poverty.

date: October 17, 2019
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Links to “I am beautiful like my mother”

“I am beautiful like my mother”

Precious Karunia bubbles with life. Her sweet smile and joyful demeanor are magnetic.  She is resilient in a world that resists difference.  She is strong in the face of adversity. She embraces each day in her home of South Bongkudai with a joyful song on her lips— running and laughing with friends whimsical and care […]

date: July 25, 2019
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Links to From drug addict to devoted dad

From drug addict to devoted dad

When you see Henry’s open smile and hear him laugh with joy—which is often—you would never suspect the dark past that held him captive before he knew Jesus. But this father of three bears deep scars from the suffering endured at the hands of a drug addiction. Henry’s life has been a struggle since the […]

date: June 13, 2019
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