Can sponsorship change everything? Hear it from six Compassion alumni

Listen as they read their last letters to their sponsors

Written by: Compassion Canada

In the face of the enormity of poverty in our increasingly complex world, it can be hard to see the tangible ways our efforts make an impact. Sometimes, it can even be hard to see God at work around us. But when we lean in and listen, there is a glorious invitation: Come and see what the Lord has done. (Psalm 66:5)

Come and see what God is doing when someone sponsors a child in need.

While we may never be able to see all the ways in which God works, here at Compassion, we have a growing list of good news stories we can’t keep to ourselves.

The stories confirm what we’ve come to know in over 70 years of bringing His Kingdom into the lives of children around the world: child sponsorship is simple, powerful and effective in the fight against poverty. 

When six Compassion alumni were invited to write their final letters to their sponsors, the room grew still as they put pen to paper to write what may be the most emotional letters they’ve ever written.

We invite you to take a front row seat to hear the amazing testimonies of men and women who were once boys and girls whose lives were transformed through the power of sponsorship. Come and listen to the stories God has written with their lives. Come and see who they have become today.

It’s personal. It’s real. It’s moving.


We want you to see how God is using compassionate people like you to change the lives of children living in poverty. Because when you sponsor a child, it doesn’t stop there, you also get the opportunity to change the story of a whole family and an entire community too. We invite you to join the movement that’s changing lives forever.


Partner with God by sponsoring a child and enable them to become all that God has called them to be.

Sponsor a child