Help babies survive

Why should you give to child survival?

Most of the millions of children who die every year pass away in their first year of life. The majority of these deaths are preventable.

When you give to child survival, you will help churches provide:

icon-csp-steth Pre- and postnatal care
nurseHealth checkups, medical care and food for malnourished moms and babies
bookEducation on breastfeeding, nutrition and disease prevention
bibleSpiritual guidance for moms, including the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
Help moms and babies in these countries survive:
A baby is held up by his mother. He smiles at the camera.

Help moms and babies in Uganda survive and thrive!

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A mother feeds her baby some food. The baby wears a knit cap.

Help moms and babies in Bolivia survive and thrive!

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A mother and her toddler sit in a blue room and laugh.

Help moms and babies in Haiti survive and thrive!

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A mother sits in a wood thatched building, holding her baby and laughing.

Help moms and babies in Ecuador survive and thrive!

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A mother with a tradtionally patterened head-dress. Holds her infant child and laughs.

Help moms and babies in Ghana survive and thrive!

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No less than 80 per cent of your donation will be used for program activities and a maximum of 20 per cent for fundraising and administration. If we exceed our funding goal for the initiative shown, the remaining funds will be used to fund other programs where the need is greatest.