Looking for gifts that give back? These gifts in our Gifts of Compassion gift guide meet the needs that we know matter most to you.

In a recent research study, we heard directly from you about the causes you care about. Here are some of the top causes you shared and a related gift from our Gifts of Compassion gift guide for each one.

When you give, you help to fuel Compassion’s proven child development program that is lifting millions of children, families and their communities out of poverty.

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Gifts that give back: which of these 8 causes matter most to you?

Cause #1: Anti-child trafficking

A group of students in Togo, all wearing blue uniforms, sit on benches in an outdoor courtyard, listening to a workshop facilitator.

Kids in Togo participate in a workshop at their Compassion centre.

Poverty increases a child’s risk of being trafficked and forced into child labour, sexual exploitation or child marriage.

Child Protection Workshops at local Compassion centres educate and equip parents, caregivers and community members on the risks of child trafficking and how to prevent it.

Child Protection Workshops – $80

Cause #2: Food security

Hosiana, in a pink and blue poncho, is standing in her grandmother’s vegetable garden with her arms crossed in front of her.

Eleven-year-old Hosiana in Tanzania shows off her family’s vegetable garden, which is thriving thanks to support from her Compassion centre.

The global food crisis pushed millions of families into unprecedented levels of food insecurity. For children living in poverty, any hope for a bright future starts with food on the table today.

Compassion centres respond to food insecurity with urgent food relief as well as sustainable solutions that cultivate long-term resilience. One of those solutions is equipping families with the resources for Backyard Farming—enabling them to grow their own food and earn an income!

Backyard Farming – $490

Cause #3: Clean water

Three children are at the church's water faucets playfully splashing water out of a bucket.

This local church partner in Tanzania received the gift of access to clean water.

Lack of access to clean water is one of the most well-known causes in the fight against child poverty. Many people look to donate towards digging a well, but did you know there are a wide variety of solutions to the problem of unsafe water?

The gift of Access to Clean Water equips our local church partners to bring safe drinking water to their communities in the most effective and sustainable way, whether through water filters, rainwater harvesting, boreholes or wells.

Access to Clean Water – $50

Cause #4: Disaster relief

Pastor Gleidson, with his arms crossed, is standing between two houses that were destroyed by the flood.

Pastor Gleidson is a community leader in Brazil who was instrumental in helping his neighbours recover from a major flood.

Environmental disasters around the world are sadly on the rise. These events capture our attention as we seek to support our global neighbours in a time of desperate need.

What if we could help even before disaster strikes? It is imperative that vulnerable communities are prepared and educated on how to handle environmental disasters before they occur. The gift of Disaster Preparedness Training equips Compassion centres in Brazil to minimize the long-lasting impacts of disasters, ensuring safety, security and resilience for their communities.

Disaster Preparedness Training – $25

Cause #5: Education

A Compassion centre director and two Compassion students, all wearing light blue uniforms, sit at desks using computers and textbooks to study.

In Mexico, Compassion centre director Belen tutors students.

For children and youth, bright futures start with access to quality education. However, more than 600 million children and adolescents worldwide are unable to attain minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics (UNICEF), often due to a lack of support and resources.

When kids and youth have access to resources like Computers, Textbooks and a safe place to study at their local Compassion centre, their chances of success at school increase. Education paves the way to a future free from poverty.

Computers – $100

Cause #6: Spiritual development

Crisli, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, is sitting at a table outside her house holding and looking at a book. There are more books stacked in front of her.

In Nicaragua, 13-year-old Crisli reads a book.

Compassion’s proven holistic child development program impacts every part of a child’s life—including their spiritual development! In the midst of what is too often a hopeless reality for children living in poverty, every child in Compassion’s program has an opportunity to hear the gospel and root their hope for a bright future in the good news of Jesus.

The gift of Biblical Discipleship for Youth provides youth in Brazil with learning materials specially designed to help them better understand the gospel and what it means in their life.

Biblical Discipleship for Youth – $25

Cause #7: Major medical treatment for kids

Françoise is standing outside the National Hospital in a hospital gown with a white bandage on her chest.

Fourteen-year-old Françoise in Burkina Faso received lifesaving surgery with the help of generous Compassion donors.

No child should have their childhood stolen by a devastating medical diagnosis, but that is the tragic reality for all too many children at home and around the world. Sadly, the financial burden of major medical treatments is something that many families could never afford.

In this year’s Gifts of Compassion gift guide, we are raising funds for a life-changing Spinal Surgery for Stepright in Ghana. This surgery will transform 13-year-old Stepright’s quality of life!

Spinal Surgery for Stepright – $250

Cause #8: Child and maternal health

Noelia, in a green shirt, is sitting in a chair while a Survival doctor in a white coat and face mask checks her blood pressure during a routine checkup. Noelia is 38 weeks pregnant.

Expecting mother Noelia is part of Compassion’s Survival program in the Dominican Republic.

A lack of adequate healthcare leads to alarmingly high child and maternal mortality rates in many communities around the world.

Through Compassion’s Survival program, pregnant mothers have access to Prenatal Healthcare that saves lives and improves health outcomes for both mom and baby.

Prenatal Healthcare – $250


Which causes matter most to you?

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Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa is Compassion Canada's Manager of Content and Public Relations, telling stories that inspire and equip Jesus followers to live compassionate lifestyles. She is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto, where she studied International Development.