Tuition for students in Kenya

Written by: Samuel Lee

Funding required: $98,675

This project will help: 40 youths

Completion date: December 2029

Country: Kenya

Executive summary

In Kenya, Compassion’s frontline church partners serve many promising young men and women who dream of graduating high school and pursuing a post-secondary degree. Although the country has made significant progress expanding access to both primary and secondary education over the last few years, access to university is a challenge for many Kenyan students—especially for those living in poverty. Despite their academic potential, hard work and determination, many Compassion-assisted students face multiple challenges that hinder their ability to enroll in and complete university programs. One of the biggest barriers is the high cost of university education. The average annual cost of tuition and fees at a public university in Kenya is approximately $2,000. This figure does not include cost-of-living expenses such as housing, food and transportation. Sadly, while many students excel in high school and achieve the grades needed to continue their education, their parents simply cannot afford the high cost of tuition and other school-related costs. Because higher education is inaccessible to so many young people across the country, Kenya is facing a shortage of skilled workers in many key sectors. In September 2023, the government unveiled a new university funding system that allows students to apply for bursaries and loans. To qualify, students were placed in three economic categories: vulnerable, less vulnerable and able. However, even with this initiative, many students living in poverty still only received partial scholarships and must rely on their families to pay the remainder of their tuition. Without additional support, many students may never be able to get the university education they’ve worked so hard for. This initiative will cover the tuition fees for 40 high-achieving youths in Kenya who want to pursue a university education. These students have recently completed high school and plan to attend post-secondary school in 2025. Your generous support will also cover school-related fees like school supplies and required materials. With your support, these hard-working young people will have the opportunity to pursue their dreams, enter the workforce fully prepared to earn good jobs and become role models in their communities.



Education is universally recognized as a fundamental right and a critical driver of economic and social development. In many parts of the world, including Kenya, higher education is the key to unlocking opportunities, fostering innovation and promoting social mobility. However, university and college education often remain inaccessible to youth living in poverty. In Kenya there is a strong desire for higher education among young people. Many youths understand that a university degree can significantly improve their well-being and provide them with the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to their families, communities and the broader economy. Compassion International Kenya has prioritized and supported the education for youths in high school, colleges and universities. Last year, 4,204 Compassion-assisted beneficiaries graduated from high school. A total of 716 of them joined universities while the rest pursued diploma and certificate courses. Compassion’s frontline church partners financially supported each student as they pursued an education, but this put a major financial burden on the churches, who are also committed to serving children and youth in other areas. While Compassion’s church partners want to continue supporting their young people, this level of financial support is simply not possible as a long-term solution. As post-secondary school has become more popularized across the country, the dramatic increase of enrolments in the public universities has further limited access to government funding. With fewer slots available in schools and limited access to the funds needed to pay for tuition, students living in poverty have little hope of attending university without additional support.

The need

With rising costs and tuition and limited access to scholarships and bursaries, many high-achieving youth in Kenya may never attend university. Compassion’s frontline church partners have been doing everything they can to support young people as they graduate from high school and pursue higher education, but the massive financial support has caused a serious strain on their ministries. While government loans are available, they are usually given out only in partial amounts, leaving students’ dreams to earn a university education well out of reach for struggling families. Your support will provide the resources necessary for the 40 top-performing students from Compassion centres across Kenya to attend university and pursue a program of their choice. These 40 students and their families will no longer need to worry about how to pay for school materials. Instead, these high-achieving young men and women will be able to focus entirely on their studies for their full four-year programs. With the burden of tuition relieved from families, caregivers will cover additional costs such as transportation and meals. Upon graduation, students will be fully equipped with the knowledge and experience needed to enter the workforce, excel in their chosen careers and lift them and their families out of poverty.

What your gift will do

Your gift will cover post-secondary school tuition and expenses for the top-performing 40 Compassion-assisted students in Kenya, including:
  • University tuition for 40 youth for 4 years
  • School supplies and materials


  • Local contribution: US$12,630.01
  • Handling of funds: Compassion International Kenya will work with Centre directors to ensure this project stays within budget.
  • Monitoring: Compassion centre staff will monitor students as they pursue their education. If students require additional funding, centre staff will support them as they apply for government loans.

  • September 20, 2024

Samuel Lee

Samuel Lee