Mental health support for children and youth in Brazil

Written by: Samuel Lee

Funding required: $37,400

This project will help: 400 children and youth

Estimated Completion date: April 2025

Country: Brazil

Executive summary

When disaster strikes, children living in poverty face heightened risks and challenges that threaten their well-being and future. Disruptive events like conflict, natural disasters and health emergencies can wipe out local economies and cause widespread unemployment, triggering a chain effect of other crises including severe food insecurity. Children’s mental health and emotional well-being are often overlooked after a disaster, simply because meeting immediate survival needs like food and shelter take precedence. Additionally, communities with high levels of poverty typically lack awareness and resources dedicated to addressing the psychological impact of traumatic events on people of any age. Coupled with immense emotional strain, lack of access to mental health services can lead to long-term psychological issues and hinder recovery, especially for children who are already living in a highly vulnerable state.

In Brazil, a staggering rise in violence and abuse during and after the COVID-19 pandemic has been largely attributed to heightened strain on caregivers combined with a lack of available resources to support mental and emotional resiliency. Equally as alarming is a notable increase in self-harm alerts among children and adolescents, as well as a surge in severe depression, emotional disorders and anxiety crises.

In June and July 2022, heavy rains and river overflows caused devastating floods in the state of Pernambuco. Many lost everything—their jobs, homes and belongings all wiped away in mere moments. Compassion’s National Office in Brazil worked with our partners in these communities to provide immediate relief; however, the emotional toll on children and young people has been significant, with many still showing signs of depression, anxiety and self-harm.

This intervention will provide much needed psychological support for 400 children and youth from two church partners affected by the flooding in Pernambuco. Psychologists will lead children in group therapy sessions to address topics on emotional health. Those suffering the most critical cases of mental health crises will receive up to six individual sessions with the psychologist. Medical professionals will also provide physical checkups when needed and children will also receive spiritual support on their healing journeys. Finally, given the link between hygiene and physical and mental health, families will also receive hygiene kits.

Did you know?

A recent analysis of data collected from Brazil’s Psychosocial Care Network reveals that for the first time in history, the number of children in Brazil with a diagnosed anxiety disorder has surpassed that of adults.


Compassion partners with 207 churches across six states in the northeast of Brazil to serve more than 68,000 children, adolescents and young people living in poverty, along with their families. According to a report by the Pan American and World Health Organization, in Latin America, depression is the leading cause of disability; Brazil ranks among the top five countries in South America with the highest rate of disability due to depression. Many of the children Compassion serves in Brazil suffer from anxiety, depression and severe stress and struggle to manage their emotions during times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on these children, and they have been struggling to recover.

In 2022, the situation was further exacerbated by severe flooding in the state of Pernambuco, which impacted 10 Compassion church partners and 527 participants and their families. Working alongside churches, Compassion was able to supply impacted children and their families with emergency aid that included food and shelter support. However, in the aftermath of the disaster, our partners have noted a significant and alarming decline in mental health among many boys and girls. While churches have done everything they can to seek help through public health networks, soaring demand for mental health services has created significant barriers. The cost of private care is far beyond what our partners can afford, so they reached out to Compassion for further assistance.

The need

Natural disasters and health emergencies around the world have hit those living in poverty the hardest. Sadly, not only are those living in impoverished situations affected physically by disasters, but they also suffer psychological challenges as a result. Vulnerable children facing emotional instability and insecurity have seen increased stress levels. Violence and abuse have also increased, as have the number of adolescents and children suffering severe levels of depression, emotional disorders and anxiety. Flooding in the state of Pernambuco saw families and Compassion-registered children from two church partners lose everything they had. While Compassion Brazil launched a disaster relief intervention, these children also need mental health support.

This intervention will support improved emotional and mental health among 400 children registered from two Compassion centres in northeast Brazil. This intervention responds to an urgent need for emotional and physical health support, addressing not only repercussions from the COVID-19 crisis but also other traumas or emotional crises experienced by participants and caregivers, including the 2022 floods. Over a six-month period, children will participate in group therapy sessions led by psychologists to address emotional health topics. Those presenting with more severe mental health issues will receive individualized assistance and ongoing treatment. Children will also receive physical health care support as needed. We will also distribute hygiene kits to each benefiting family. Basic hygiene education will be incorporated into the therapy sessions. To counteract stigma surrounding therapy, meetings with parents and families will be held to encourage greater engagement in the therapeutic groups.

What your gift will do

Your support will provide 400 children and youth in Brazil with urgently needed mental health support, including:

  • Professional therapy
    • Printing of educational materials
    • Individual consultations and treatment with a psychologist or medical professional as needed
    • Group therapy classes with a psychologist
  • 400 hygiene kits
  • Implementer expenses


  • Local contribution: US$1,722.34
  • Handling of funds: Compassion Brazil will distribute funds and work with local church partners to ensure that this intervention remains within budget.
  • Monitoring and follow-up: Churches will be responsible for monitoring the progress of this intervention and will provide regular reports to the National Office in Brazil. Compassion is committed to protecting children from all harm and exploitation. Recognizing the sensitive nature of this project, impact reports will honour and guard the safety, privacy and dignity of each child and their family members.

  • September 10, 2024

Samuel Lee

Samuel Lee