Compassion Canada is on the YouVersion Bible App!
We’ve created a collection of free devotional reading plans just for you. Our heart is to equip the Church here in Canada and around the world to respond to the poverty, injustice and need across the globe. Each devotional is created to help you cultivate biblical perspectives on justice and compassion and is available through the Bible App!
We have plans for everyone. Check out the categories below to easily find exactly what topic you’re looking for. We’ve even included a sneak peek at new plans coming soon!
1. New Plans
Flashlights and Fireflies

Length: 5 days
Themes: Kids, families, childlike faith
Description: This five-day reading plan is perfect for families at bedtime or summer vacation! Jesus said that kids’ faith is an example to grown-ups — why is that? Together we’ll discover how the faith of five kids in the Bible shone brightly even in darkness and how that faith in God changed everything! (For kids aged 4-9 and their grown-ups)
2. Prayer Plans
Prayer for a Hurting World

Length: 3 days
Themes: Justice, global issues, praying through scripture
Description: Praying through scripture is a great way to refresh your prayer life. This 3-day plan centres on God’s heart for a hurting world and offers practical ways to pray through His Word.
How to Pray for the Global Food Crisis

Length: 3 Days
Themes: Awareness, action, advocacy, praying through scripture
Description: The world is facing a crisis of food insecurity and hunger. When crisis hits, God’s people are called to pray! You will be invited to become aware of the crisis around the world, use scripture to intercede for those suffering and pray for God’s leading in our response.
New: This devotional is also available in Traditional and Simplified Chinese!
3. Christian Living
Are You Hungry?
Length: 7 days
Themes: Kingdom of God, Justice, Community, Hospitality, Global Food Crisis, Discipleship
Description: Have you ever noticed one of Jesus’ primary ministries was sharing meals? Around the table, Jesus taught about the new community He was creating. When Jesus broke bread, He was demonstrating something about what it meant to be His disciple. In this reading plan, we explore what the meals Jesus shared can tell us about breaking bread, justice, hospitality and the Kingdom of God.
Eyes to See: Reflecting God’s Love to a World in Need

Length: 6 weeks
Themes: love, poverty, justice, becoming like Jesus
Description: Jesus had compassion, especially for those facing poverty injustice and inequality. What is our response? Do you see the world the way God does? If you want to go deeper and understand the spiritual root of poverty join us for this 42-day video-assisted bible study. Ideal for group study or a challenging personal journey. Abridged and updated from the original study material (
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God’s Honour for Our Shame

Length: 7 days
Themes: Shame, forgiveness, peace with God, overcoming our past
Description: Shame makes us feel unworthy, rejected and alone. It causes pain and suffering — but the gospel has a solution to our shame! In this 7-day devotional reading plan, you will learn how God’s honour transformed not only people in the Bible, but also the lives of people today.
A Heart of Service

Length: 3 days
Themes: Service, gifts, talents, love, volunteering, relationships, community
Description: God has blessed everyone with gifts and talents. What has God put on your heart, and how can you use those things to serve others? Learn how to identify and engage your gifts and talents with a servant’s heart in this three-day devotional plan. This plan includes stories, call-to-action questions and prayers to guide and help us practice what we have read.
The Beatitudes: Global Perspectives on the Way of Jesus

Length: 8 days
Themes: Beatitudes, justice, wisdom, humility, mourning, mercy, peacemaking
Description: Jesus introduced an upside-down kingdom of servanthood and radical love. In this 8-day study, dive deep into the Beatitudes to experience Jesus’ countercultural challenge to resist selfishness and fear and live in love.
Hope Amidst Hardship

Length: 4 days
Themes: Hope, suffering, anxiety, peace, kindness, intentionality, lament, gratitude
Description: In a broken world, it’s hard to cling to hope at the best of times. It’s even harder in seasons of pain. But the beautiful thing about the hope of Jesus is that it’s not contingent on what happens in this world. This hope is already ours. This four-day plan will help you explore practical ways to cling to and share hope with your neighbours, even in times of uncertainty.
Living Simply, Loving Fully

Length: 6 days
Themes: Simplicity, generosity, compassionate consumption, Jesus-centred lifestyle
Description: It’s easy to get bogged down by distractions that take our attention away from what really matters. But as Christ-followers, we’re called to live quiet lives centred on love for God and our neighbours. This six-day plan includes a daily challenge to focus our hearts and minds to live simply and love fully in a world filled with distractions.
4. Seasonal Plans
A Global Advent: 25 Stories of God With Us Around the World

Length: 25 days
Themes: Advent, Christmas, God with us, children, stories, global, culture, church, community
Description: Many of us will not travel to every corner of the world, except through stories. Stories transport us into countries, communities, churches and homes that we may never visit in our lifetime. Stories are essential to us. This Christmas season, we want to invite you to a global Advent. Advent, an anchor to our Christian life and faith, draws our attention to a child—a baby in a manger. This child is Emmanuel, God with us. And from that very first Advent of His coming, He has been with us ever since. In this global Advent, you are invited into the stories of children around the world who have experienced God with them. In their stories, we hope that you will see that the hope, peace, joy and love of Christ are still vibrantly expressed in our world today.
If Only You Knew: An Easter Devotional

Length: 6 days
Themes: Easter, grace, love, hope, abundant life
Description: Look at the events of Easter with fresh eyes and discover how Jesus experienced them in every way. Journey through the Last Supper, the events of Good Friday, the holy waiting of Saturday to Resurrection Sunday, exploring the social, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of what Jesus did for us. If only we knew just how fully He gave Himself for us…
Every Good Gift: An Advent Devotional

Length: 5 days
Themes: Hope, peace, joy, love, justice, gifts, giving, gratitude
Description: Join us during the Advent season on a journey to explore every good gift that God has given through Scripture and stories from around the world. Walk through the themes of a good life, the good news, good deeds and good gifts found in the book of James.
Postures of Advent: A Daily Christmas Devotional (2020)

Length: 27 days
Themes: Simplicity, worship, surrender, Christmas, Advent
Description: How we posture ourselves in the Christmas season makes all the difference in our experience of the miracle of Advent. Be inspired to surrender to Jesus, refocus on Him and embrace the grace of our King in this 4-week daily devotional as you move through five different postures: Eyes Fixed, Head Up, Knees Bent, Hands Open and Arms Wide.
5. Kids and Family Plans
Dinner Table Devos
Length: 5 days
Themes: food, gratitude, family, global citizenship
Description: Have you ever thought about how food is a really amazing gift from God? Food makes our bodies work. It connects us to others and sharing it is a great way to love other people! In this kids and family dinner-table bible reading plan, kids aged 4-9 and their families will learn together. The plan includes downloadable activity pages, memorable (and easy) meal challenges and fun food facts!
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Compassion Family World Tour: For Kids

Length: 14 days
Themes: Learning, family, God’s love, kids
Description: Have you ever wanted to travel the world and meet the girls and boys who live there? The Bible tells us that Christians are all part of one big family, no matter where they live. Come along with us on a Family World Tour as we find out what it’s like to live where they do, and what they are learning about following Jesus!
Living Out the Fruit of the Spirit: For Kids and Families

Length: 9 days
Themes: kids and families, fruit of the Spirit, living it out, following Jesus
Description: Every follower of Jesus is invited to live out the fruit of the Spirit. In this plan for kids and families, learn what the Bible says about each fruit, read stories of how kids around the world live them out and get practical suggestions about how you can live them out in daily life.
6. Youth Plans
The Complete Guide to Calming Exam Stress

Length: 7 days
Themes: Students, youth, stress, school, education, trust
Description: Exam time is stressful for every student, no matter where they are around the world. At Compassion, we believe that education is a gift and an important part of reaching our potential. Join us as we journey with you in navigating school and exam stress through this seven-day devotional with encouraging Scriptures, helpful truth, stress management activities and daily checklists.
As one of the world’s leading child development organizations, Compassion partners with the local church in 29 countries to end poverty in the lives of children and their families.
Today, two million children are discovering lives full of promise and purpose as they develop in all the different aspects of their lives—their minds, bodies and relationships—while giving them the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ at a local church. Learn more about Compassion.