[WATCH] Compassion and Justice: creating a world for moms, children and all of us to thrive

A Mother's Day conversation featuring Allison Alley (President and CEO, Compassion Canada) and Anu George Canjanathoppil (CEO, International Justice Mission Canada)

Written by: Compassion Canada

Watch this historic conversation with Allison Alley (President and CEO, Compassion Canada) and Anu George Canjanathoppil (CEO, International Justice Mission Canada). These two inspiring CEOs and mothers share a platform for the first time to discuss leadership, partnership and motherhood.

* Note: At 10:50, the stat should be 750,000, not 75,000.

In this conversation:

  • Why partnership and collaboration are so important.
  • Balance and integration as women who lead and mother.
  • The challenges facing women and mothers around the world.
  • Allison and Anu’s vision for the future.


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