Each week, you will find Compassion Ambassadors across the country inviting people to partner with Compassion to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
Compassion Ambassadors are artists and speakers who are passionate about serving the Church and advocating for kids in poverty. They are a diverse collection of voices and talent, united in their love for Christ and passion for the mission!
We took some time to hear from three of our amazing Ambassadors: John Park, John Voort and Donnett Thompson-Hall. They shared everything from their favourite snack (an important question to us around here!) to why they choose to be Compassion Ambassadors.
Take some time with us to get to know these inspiring people and consider having a Compassion Ambassador at your church or event this year!
Are you an artist or speaker interested in becoming a Compassion Ambassador?
Particularly if you are based in Atlantic Canada, our team would love to connect with you to discern together if becoming an Ambassador is right for you. Learn more about becoming an Ambassador and connect with our team here.
John Park (London, Ontario)

Compassion Ambassador, John Park, with his family.
What’s a song you’ve had on repeat lately?
“Here in Your Presence” by New Life Worship.
What’s your go-to snack?
Korean snacks.
Why do you choose to be a Compassion Ambassador?
When I stepped down from pastoring at a church, one of the church members who works for Compassion Canada asked if I would be interested. I was going to say no, because I knew I would be busy doing a new ministry, related to my city. But I said I would pray about it. The next day, during my morning devotion, I read Jonah and felt God was saying, “You care about your own people in your city. Should I not be concerned about the children and families in other places around the world?” Since then, we sponsored four children through Compassion. What Compassion does has become a source of deep passion, joy and gratitude.

John speaking at a church.
Do you have a favourite or memorable Compassion moment that you can share?
I went to Colombia as a part of our Ambassadors’ trip. While on a visit to a Compassion centre, we came to the office. The staff brought out binders. In each binder were all the documents collected for each child. The binders were divided into four sections—spiritual, physical, educational and social, just like Compassion always talks about.
The binders literally had the lives of all the sponsored children, their reports, spiritual milestones, school achievements, family stories and more. I looked at a collection of home visit reports that one child’s tutor recorded. The report has so many details of the conversations they had, and it was apparent the visits were very frequent.
Right after this, we went with the tutors to visit the families’ homes. On our way, everyone on the streets knew the tutors—they visit so often that everyone recognizes them. I could tell how deeply the Compassion centre staff and volunteers cared about the children and families. I thought to myself, “If we run a ministry like this in Canada, we will surely see powerful transformation in peoples’ lives. We need to learn from them.”
What’s a passage of Scripture that’s been speaking to you lately and why?
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:33
This is the verse that broke my heart when I received a call from God to become a pastor. I come back to this verse ever so often, because I need to remind myself how I should seek His will and His kingdom first, not chase after all other things.
This also assures me when I am afraid that I don’t have enough (money, resources, etc.), that He will provide. This is also the verse I use to tell my mentees and others, “Don’t chase all the other things in this world. Seek His will and His kingdom.”
John Voort (Lethbridge, Alberta)

John (left) with a group of volunteers at a Compassion event.
What’s a song you’ve had on repeat lately?
None—I have 1,800 songs on my phone that I have on shuffle!
What’s your go-to snack?
Twizzlers or Bits & Bites.
Why do you choose to be a Compassion Ambassador?
After I retired as Compassion staff, I wanted to stay involved. I had already returned to volunteering, but what I wanted to do most was to speak on behalf of the children at churches. (I particularly love the smaller ones!)
Do you have a favourite or memorable Compassion moment that you can share?
Impossible—too many to pick just one! However, since it just showed up on my Facebook memories recently, I’ll pick our initial meeting with our sweet sponsored child in Haiti, Berverline.

One of John’s most memorable Compassion moments—playing a beach ball game with Beverline, the girl he and his wife sponsor in Haiti.
We chose to sponsor her on the bus on our way to her Compassion centre. She and her mom were both there and it was simply wonderful! The temperature and the humidity were sky-high, so my wife Mary Lee took our other sponsored child, Stephie, to the beach for a swim. However, Berverline was afraid of the ocean—she had never seen it before!
So, I stayed at the hotel with her to play a game she invented with a beach ball. Before we could throw it to each other, we had to do some kind of dance move. I have never sweat so much in my life, but there was no way I’d be the one to stop the game. Precious, precious memory!
What’s a passage of Scripture that’s been speaking to you lately and why?
“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” – Matthew 6:26-29
This passage has been showing up a few times lately—clearly God’s way of encouraging me to keep walking and growing in my complete faith in Him.
Donnett Thompson-Hall (Scarborough, Ontario)

Compassion Ambassador, Donnett Thompson-Hall.
What’s a song you’ve had on repeat lately?
“There’s A Peace in My Soul” by Jermaine Edwards.
What’s your go-to snack?
Cheetos Crunchy.
Why do you choose to be a Compassion Ambassador?
There is no greater joy than giving, no greater joy than being of service to others, no greater joy than being the hands and feet of Jesus, showing compassion to those in need while spreading the good news of salvation.
Do you have a favourite or memorable Compassion moment that you can share?
There are several memorable moments, however, one that sticks out to me the most was during my Compassion presentation, a beautiful lady stood up in response to my ask, “Will you help me sponsor a child who is in need of your support?” I was mid-sentence and she said, “Yes, I will!”
The auditorium was filled with the energy of giving and support. I cannot forget that moment, for which I give God thanks that someone, through hearing the message, was convicted and felt compelled to move into action to sponsor a child. Moments like these are unforgettable.

Donnett and her husband at a Compassion Sunday event at a local church.
What’s a passage of Scripture that’s been speaking to you lately and why?
Deuteronomy 6 but most specifically verses 4-9: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Though written for a specific audience, the word of God can be applied to us today. This is an awesome reminder and challenge to us that we ensure we pass on the word of God to all generations. By doing so we are cultivating a generation that will follow after God, keep His commandments and do His will.