Search Results

We found 22 results for the General category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to 10 Instagram accounts to follow to help shift your perspective on the world

10 Instagram accounts to follow to help shift your perspective on the world

Who we follow on social media greatly shapes what our feeds are telling us about the world. Here are a few Instagram accounts to follow to infuse some inspiring and counter-cultural perspective into your feed: 1. @helenmanson What your feed gains: Beautiful photos and compelling stories of life in Uganda and travels around the world from […]

date: October 3, 2019
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Links to What is your Instagram feed telling you about the world?

What is your Instagram feed telling you about the world?

In this article: What the Bible says about how we use our eyes and what it means in the world of Instagram. The way that social media heightens our ability to get caught in ‘the comparison trap.’ How to shape what you see on your Instagram feed for better perspective on the world. ____ I […]

date: October 3, 2019
comments: 0 comments
Links to A humble tenacity

A humble tenacity

Pastor Darío is an unassuming man with a friendly presence and a warm smile. He may not draw much attention in a crowd, but there’s something magnetic about the love he has for his community and his confidence in God’s faithfulness. Pastor Darío and his wife, Yeni, raised their three children in Etén, Peru, where […]

date: July 5, 2019
comments: 0 comments
Links to These outstanding kids are defying poverty and winning awards

These outstanding kids are defying poverty and winning awards

Being a kid isn’t easy. Between making friends, doing chores and homework—not to mention answering all those adults who keep asking you what you want to be when you grow up—there is a lot going on in the world of a child. Now add extreme poverty to that mix, and life becomes all the more […]

date: November 1, 2018
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Links to 5 DIY activities to help shape compassionate kids!

5 DIY activities to help shape compassionate kids!

At such a young age, how can we help our kids understand poverty and what part they play in it? Issues of unsafe water, food security, safe housing and income are so massive for little minds, and can often go over their heads! For our kids, it may be hard to grasp what lacking basic […]

date: June 21, 2018
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Links to I think Canadians are compassionate because…

I think Canadians are compassionate because…

In this year of celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary as a Confederation, we’ve been thinking of all the things we love about this great land. We are proud of our country for so many reasons, and one that resonates especially strongly here at Compassion is Canadians’—you guessed it—compassion! In the 2016 World Giving Report, which surveys […]

date: June 29, 2017
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Links to Changing lives at “Kids Power Connect”

Changing lives at “Kids Power Connect”

The magnificent Ecuadorian cordillera cuts a jagged stripe down the country’s centre, a vast mountain range lush with forests and lakes and boasting snow year-round at high altitudes—despite sitting atop the equator. Nestled in the heart of these mountains on the outskirts of the small city of Ambato sits the Evangelical Crisolito Bilingual Church. During […]

date: August 18, 2016
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Links to Compassion Explorer extra: rainforest in a bottle

Compassion Explorer extra: rainforest in a bottle

This one is for the kids! As they may have read in the Fall 2015 Compassion Explorer magazine, it’s important to take good care of God’s creation. (Don’t receive this awesome kids’ magazine? Sign up here!) Rainforests are a very important part of God’s creation. Plants and trees in rainforests recycle and clean water, and even clean the air! […]

date: October 15, 2015
comments: 0 comments
Links to Storytime with Sara

Storytime with Sara

Sara is a smiley nine-year-old. She enjoys playing hide-and-seek with her friends and likes Bible class at church. She also loves to write. Sara was the winner of the “Tell a Story” contest, which was held by Compassion El Salvador and supported by nationally-renowned writers who served as evaluators of the children’s stories. She received an […]

date: August 20, 2014
comments: 0 comments
Links to Compassion Explorer Extra: Creamy Lemon Pie

Compassion Explorer Extra: Creamy Lemon Pie

Seven girls have whipped up a cool way to help people who live in poverty—through a cooking camp in Pennsylvania. Saara’s Cooking Camp is a three-day summer camp where kids practice cooking while learning about kids in poverty. Dani, age 14, got the idea for the camp when she was 7. While Dani was riding in the […]

date: July 11, 2014
comments: 2 comments