Who we follow on social media greatly shapes what our feeds are telling us about the world. Here are a few Instagram accounts to follow to infuse some inspiring and counter-cultural perspective into your feed:
1. @helenmanson

What your feed gains: Beautiful photos and compelling stories of life in Uganda and travels around the world from a mom, humanitarian photographer and storyteller.
Fun fact: Helen was the storyteller behind one of our most popular stories, Escaping slavery on the most dangerous lake in Africa.
2. @theglobalgoals

What your feed gains: Informative and motivating infographics, photos and quotes based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
3. @thebucketlistfamily

What your feed gains: A fun, adventurous and childlike view of the vast and exciting world we live in from a young family of travel journalists.
4. @IJMCanada

What your feed gains: Insight from our friends at International Justice Mission into the fight for justice in the face of huge issues like human trafficking, modern-day slavery and exploitation.
5. @morganharpernichols

What your feed gains: Beautiful colours, graphics and words that are created in response to real stories that are sent to the artist, Morgan Harper Nichols.
6. @natgeo

What your feed gains: Stunning photos from National Geographic photographers of our diverse and beautiful planet.
7. @hashtaghopeca

What your feed gains: A hopeful and tenacious approach to suicide prevention from this Canadian movement.
8. @themvmtblog

What your feed gains: Travel tips and beautiful peeks of the world through the eyes of two millennial sisters who work normal jobs on top of being travel bloggers!
Fun fact: In 2018, Diana, one half of MVMT blog, visited her Compassion child in Rwanda!
9. @benadamsphoto

What your feed gains: Beautiful humanitarian photography from around the world through the lens of Australian photographer Ben Adams.
Fun fact: You might recognize some of Ben’s work from Compassion’s blogs and social media feeds!
10. @CompassionCA

What your feed gains: Snapshots and stories of the people and places that are connected to Compassion’s ministry around the world!
Bonus: Follow other Compassion partner countries like @compassion, @compassionau and @compassionuk!