Search Results

We found 183 results for the Compassion News category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to Canada’s top charities in 2022: Compassion Canada receives 5-star rating from Charity Intelligence

Canada’s top charities in 2022: Compassion Canada receives 5-star rating from Charity Intelligence

We are proud that Compassion Canada is once again among Canada’s top charities in 2022, as named by Charity Intelligence Canada. Additionally, Compassion Canada once again received a 5-star rating from Charity Intelligence. Charity Intelligence Canada seeks to move Canadians towards “a better way of giving”. In the Top 100 Charities report, they write, “What […]

date: October 27, 2022
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Links to Leadership update: CFO Tim DeWeerd steps into new chapter after 13 years with Compassion Canada

Leadership update: CFO Tim DeWeerd steps into new chapter after 13 years with Compassion Canada

After 13 years with the organization, Compassion Canada’s CFO and Executive Director of Business Services, Tim DeWeerd, will be stepping into his “next assignment”, joining Make-A-Wish Canada as Senior VP, Finance and Business Operations. In his time at Compassion, Tim has been a steady and faithful leader, both in his prior years leading finance, technology […]

date: August 15, 2022
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Links to ‘Thirteen Lives’ soccer team: Meet the boy who first spoke to the rescue divers

‘Thirteen Lives’ soccer team: Meet the boy who first spoke to the rescue divers

Thirteen Lives is a film directed by Ron Howard that brings us back into the story of the Thai soccer team that first gripped our hearts in 2018. Many of us can vividly remember the first time we watched the video of rescue divers John Volanthen and Richard Stanton’s first contact with the soccer team. […]

date: August 10, 2022
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Links to How Shana went from hating math to becoming our Director of Finance

How Shana went from hating math to becoming our Director of Finance

When Shana was 15, she was in an accounting course that she absolutely despised. As a young girl schooling in Zimbabwe, accounting was the one hurdle it seemed she couldn’t overcome. After multiple attempts at trying to pull up her grades, she only felt increasingly discouraged and unmotivated. Not too long before her exams were […]

date: June 29, 2022
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Links to Part of our story: Haiti update

Part of our story: Haiti update

I’ll let you in on a secret: this is a part of our story. Unforgettable. Life-altering. Traumatic. These are words that describe August 14, 2021 for the country of Haiti. 650,000 Haitians were thrust into a humanitarian crisis—260,000 of whom are children—due to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that is now known as the world’s deadliest […]

date: May 18, 2022
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Links to Resilience and impact: Celebrating Asian Heritage Month

Resilience and impact: Celebrating Asian Heritage Month

I have been Asian for over 25 years. In the many different seasons of my life, navigating my Asian identity has looked different as I’ve also fit the pieces together of my identity as a woman, Canadian, writer, daughter… and ultimately as a follower of Jesus. This most recent season has been a particularly striking […]

date: May 11, 2022
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Links to Part Two: Child protection in action

Part Two: Child protection in action

Warning: This content includes mention of abuse. We recommend you read with discretion. When we say children matter, we mean it. Our local church partners all around the world are committed to empowering, educating and establishing the necessary systems to ensure that every child can develop into their God-given potential. And that’s why prioritizing the […]

date: May 5, 2022
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Links to 4 answers on exactly where your money goes when you sponsor a child

4 answers on exactly where your money goes when you sponsor a child

Have you ever wondered what happens to your money when you decide to sponsor a child? Or have you been sponsoring a child for years and were always curious about exactly where your money goes and what it’s doing? Well, continue to read on and learn about how sponsorship makes a practical difference for children […]

date: March 30, 2022
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Links to Then, now, tomorrow at Compassion: Every step forward impacts a child’s life

Then, now, tomorrow at Compassion: Every step forward impacts a child’s life

Ministry is a study of seasons. God, in His wisdom, knows the rise and fall of seasons—times to grow, times to rest, times to change, times to anchor—work together for our ultimate good. Just the way that seasons bring a life-giving rhythm to nature, our personal lives and our communities, they also produce strength and […]

date: March 23, 2022
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Links to Top 10 things I’ve learned in my first three months at Compassion Canada

Top 10 things I’ve learned in my first three months at Compassion Canada

In December I was hired by Compassion Canada as a Content Specialist and was quickly immersed into an exciting world of justice, love and a cross-cultural mission of setting kids free from poverty in Jesus’ name! Here is a list of a few things I’ve learned as a newbie in this dynamic organization. 1. “Work […]

date: March 3, 2022
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