Did you know that April marks 25 years since the genocide against the Tutsi people in Rwanda? This significant anniversary has our hearts and minds turned to our Rwandan brothers and sisters.


Join us in praying for the deep healing, forgiveness and reconciliation that is still taking place in this beautiful country. We also want to pray specifically for the ongoing trauma counselling that young Rwandans are being offered through Compassion child development centres.


Prayer Points:

1. Ongoing Trauma Counselling
2. Forgiveness and Reconciliation
3. Continued healing—emotional, spiritual, and mental

Lord, help us to remember the people of Rwanda this month. Show us how to pray for our brothers and sisters who have so much to teach us about your divine healing, reconciliation and peace. Bring Rwanda to mind everyday so we might deeply minister through prayer to the hearts of Rwandan children this month. Amen.