How will your money help?
Through your monthly donation, the child you’ve chosen to sponsor is enrolled at a Compassion centre at a local church in their neighbourhood. Here, they receive holistic care, including formal and non-formal educational opportunities, health care, hygiene training, supplementary food, personal attention, guidance and love, as well as the opportunity to hear about and experience the love of Jesus from caring local church staff and volunteers.

Where does the money go?
No less than 80 per cent of your donation will be used for program activities and a maximum of 20 per cent for fundraising and administration. If we exceed our funding goal for the initiative shown, the remaining funds will be used to fund other programs where the need is greatest.
*Your gifts will be delivered through local churches around the world by staff members in the field who know the immediate needs of each child registered with Compassion, as well as their families and communities.
Frequently asked questions
Sponsorship gives children living in extreme poverty personal attention, guidance and love through the support of a local church. It gives children access to health care, hygiene training and supplementary food. It provides formal and non-formal opportunities for education to discover their unique gifts and abilities. And it also gives kids the opportunity to hear about Jesus as they grow physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually.
During the pandemic, we saw firsthand the impact of crises on children in poverty. We also saw how powerful sponsorship can be in equipping local churches to respond in specific, effective and life-changing ways.
As we continue to see multifaceted crises impacting children around the world, we know that the need for sponsorship remains urgent.
We are more confident than ever that your commitment to sponsorship truly allows children, families and communities to be deeply known, loved and protected through it all.
Compassion works exclusively with local churches because they know the names and faces of the children in their community and can best understand and respond to their challenges. They are known and trusted by their neighbours and are able to reach those in the greatest need with compassion and through the love of God.
We equip our local church partners with the resources, training and expertise to help children escape poverty. Each church is empowered to implement the program in a way that meets the specific needs of the children they serve. In this way the physical, spiritual, emotional and relational needs for children are met as they are empowered to overcome poverty in all its forms.