We hope your group has been challenged, encouraged and inspired throughout this Eyes to See journey. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and take some tangible steps toward reflecting God’s love to our world in need.

We must first start with prayer. For those of us who are itching to get into action, we might feel impatient about starting with prayer. We want to get out there and do something. But although it may seem mysterious, we know that God operates by using our prayers to change the world around us. Ephesians 6:18 tells us, “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.”

After prayer, we can take action in the way we live. As we stand in solidarity with people in need both at home and around the world, we acknowledge that choices we make every day about how we live have an impact on their lives. We recognize that being a good neighbour to those in need means living our lives in a way that cares for their needs as well as our own.

Finally, we can give. We’ve been reminded that all we have and all we are belongs to God, and when we consider how to respond to God’s call, we also see that this includes our finances. Jesus’ story about the master who gave each of his servants money to invest in his absence (Matthew 25:14-30) shows us that God wants us to invest what He has given us—and where more would He want us to do so than in the places and people that reflect His priorities?

On the following pages, we share some ideas for how you can pray, live and give in response to needs in your local community and around the world.