Eyes to See is a reality because of the earnest efforts of so many, including:

The talented team at Graf-Martin Communications, who brought this resource to life with creativity and insight.

Amber Van Schooneveld, whose passion and pursuit of excellence meant reviewing, editing and re-writing to make this content shine.

The long list of partners and friends that humbly shared their stories and perspectives behind the scenes or on camera.

All the pastors, thought leaders, and Compassion staff who reviewed this resource, gave feedback, and took this content to the next level in its ability to impact the Church in Canada.

Shaun Groves, who said yes to the challenge of hosting a film series and did so with a contagious passion for children, the Church and the gospel.

Tommy Alley, who masterfully captured the beauty and brokenness in our world while producing the Eyes to See films.

Allison Alley, President and CEO, who dreamt up and drove this project forward with vision and conviction.

Barry Slauenwhite, President Emeritus, whose leadership and longstanding commitment to mobilize the Church at home and around the world created an environment where these efforts could be realized.