2020 Update: Saviour’s 2nd surgery is complete!
After Saviour’s second surgery was fully funded through Gifts of Compassion 2019, Saviour and his caregiver received their passports and visa and travelled to India to receive his second heart surgery on December 23rd, 2019. Saviour was later taken to the Intensive Care Unit where he spent 2 weeks progressively recovering.
He was successfully discharged and ready to travel back to Uganda on January 20th!
In Uganda, Saviour continued recovering steadily under the observation of his doctor. Today, he is able to attend school, church and play with other kids. His eyes, toes and hands are not swelling anymore, and he is gaining good, healthy weight due to his good appetite.
Through this experience, Saviour and his family have learned to pray more and trust God in difficult situations. They are excited to share their great testimony about the love and caring nature of the Lord—that God can do things beyond what man can imagine.
November 2019
Do you remember Saviour?
Saviour is a sweet 5-year-old boy from Uganda. He was born into a loving family who is deeply impoverished—into a house made of mud and wood on land that cannot yield enough crops for their family’s needs.
Saviour was also born with a heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). It’s a genetic disorder that results in too little blood moving to the lungs.
It’s so serious that studies have shown that without surgery, only one in four children with his condition live to see their 10th birthday.
Help Fund Saviour’s 2nd Surgery
Last year, through Gifts of Compassion we asked you, our Compassion family, to come alongside Saviour, his family and his Compassion centre to help shoulder the cost of his essential heart surgery—a total of $32,000. Because of the complexity of his case, he needed to be transferred to a cardiologist in India.
We asked, and you gave generously. Over $41,000 to be exact.
And his surgery? It was so successful. Take a look at his journey for yourself:
Saviour before his first surgery.

Saviour and his mom before they travelled to India for surgery.

Saviour with the Nurse who accompanied him to India.

Saviour smiling and playing after his first surgery.

He’s halfway there, but the journey is still long.
Saviour’s first surgery was a success and we praise God for that!
But, Saviour is only halfway through his road to recovery.
Because of the complexity of the surgery, Saviour’s cardiologists suggested the surgery be split up into two procedures at least 6 months apart. This means that Saviour’s second surgery will need to take place within the next year for him to be fully healthy.
Help Fund Saviour’s 2nd Surgery

Saviour being welcomed back after the trip from India.
Right now, Saviour is strong enough to undergo his second surgery, taking medication as he waits. But the cost of the second phase of surgery is much too great for his community to handle on their own.
Today, Saviour needs the help of his family, his community and you.
If Saviour is able to undergo this second and final surgery, for the first time in his life he will be able to just be a kid. He won’t have to spend his days waiting in hospitals or taking medication.
He will be restored and able to reach his full potential.
Will you help him realize his potential?
Help Fund Saviour’s 2nd Surgery