This article was originally published in Compassion Canada’s Summer 2020 Magazine.
Ever wonder who captured the story or image that captured your heart? Get to know a few of Compassion’s incredible Photojournalists—and find out why they do what they do.
More: Read more about our photojournalists and see more of their work at compassion.ca/blog/photojournalists.

Name: Sara Navarro
Country: Brazil
With Compassion: 2.5 years
Previously: College student and freelance photographer
What I love most about my job is that I can give a voice to people who never thought they could be heard or seen. Every person has an entire world inside their heart and a history that should be told. I feel so privileged when people that I have never met before open their heart for me, a stranger. Even if just a single person reads a story that I wrote about a child, it’s good enough.

Name: J. Sangma
Country: Bangladesh
With Compassion: 7 years (2 as a volunteer)
Previously: Quality Assurance Officer
Not many people can reach out to all the regions and speak to people in the most remote places of the country. But as a Photojournalist…I feel that it is my sacred responsibility to reach out to those who are desolate to spread the good word, and likewise let the world hear their unheard voices. I only hope that my stories portray the voices of the children and engage the readers to be passionate towards humankind.

Name: Eric Lema
Country: Tanzania
With Compassion: 2 years
Previously: Communications Assistant with World Vision Tanzania
I am passionate about being able to share the stories of thousands of kids from my country. The most challenging part of my job is when I interview a child and hear of the trauma they have lived through and feel like there is nothing I can do for them, despite wanting to. But I hope my stories show the resilience of all of the kids in the program, and I hope that the person reading the story can somehow relate and feel inspired.

Name: Juana Ordoñez
Country: Honduras
With Compassion: 12 years (5 in this role)
Previously: Doctors Without Borders
I love being a Photojournalist. I enjoy so much not just to be in contact with the children but to listen to them and learn about their environments. The fact that I’m able to tell their stories represents a huge responsibility for me… I hope that my stories not only move people to act, but sensitize them and educate them on the hardships of poverty that children face.

Name: Isaac Ogila
Country: Kenya
With Compassion: 12 years (in various roles)
Previously: Complementary Interventions Administrator for Compassion Kenya
I am so excited that I get to share about the strides that Compassion is taking in ending poverty among the children in Africa. It can be challenging, listening to some of the difficult stories and letting God use me as a mouthpiece for the children, families and churches. I hope that my stories can move the global church to act in response to what God is saying, to educate and to inspire.

Name: Edwin Estioko
Country: Philippines
With Compassion: 16 years
Previously: Writer and Production Manager for a local publishing house
There’s a lot to fall in love with doing this job! I love that the content I write and the images I produce chronicle the movement and growth of God’s Kingdom and the Church in this part of the world. In a way, one can say I am writing excerpts for what could be a continuation of the New Testament! I hope my stories allow me to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves… Their lives and stories are inspiring, if only they were told and heard.