An important announcement from our President and CEO

Written by: Compassion Canada

After serving in Compassion Canada’s ministry for 34 years, Barry Slauenwhite has announced he will retire as President and CEO—effective fall 2019.

Barry will continue to lead Compassion during a diligent process to choose his successor, and once the appointment is made, he will be available to advise the incoming leader during a time of transition.

“I came to this decision several years ago, but as retirement draws closer, I’m emotional about moving on from a role that has been a great privilege, adventure and passion for so much of my life,” he said in a press release.

“What makes me most proud and grateful is that Compassion Canada has never wavered from our unique commitment to being Christ-centered, child-focused and church-based. I’m excited to pass on that torch to a new leader with fresh vision, talent and energy.”

Choosing a successor

Compassion Canada’s Board of Directors will select the next President and CEO. Rev. Ian Lawson, Board Chair, has appointed Board member Dr. Marie Geschwandtner to chair a four-person search committee, though all members of the Board are responsible for choosing a successor. They are currently considering a strong panel of both internal and external candidates and expect to announce their decision before June 2018.

“The Board is thankful to Barry for his faithful leadership over more than two decades,” said Ian Lawson, Board Chair. “He has steered Compassion into growth and stability, even through times of economic uncertainty.

“Compassion’s reputation for integrity and impact attracts outstanding supporters and capable staff, who together give vulnerable children the chance to build healthy, hopeful, meaningful lives.”

Celebrating a legacy

At Compassion, we are so thankful to Barry for his many years of service. We look forward to celebrating his leadership and legacy over the next two years.

During this time of transition, we’re reminded that Compassion Canada’s ministry belongs to God, not a CEO. The coming change is one small part of God’s greater plan. We also know that Compassion’s Christian identity, mission and values will remain unchanged. We do all that we do in Jesus’ name, and the succession process will not affect that commitment.

We are excited to see what God has in store for this ministry. We ask for your prayers for the Board as they look to God for wisdom and guidance.

Thank you for your faithful support and partnership as we help churches around the world release children from poverty in Jesus’ name!

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada