Search Results

We found 16 results for the Volunteering category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Read our new devotional, <i>A Heart of Service</i>, now on the Bible App

Read our new devotional, A Heart of Service, now on the Bible App

Our new 3-day Bible reading plan, A Heart of Service, was written to help you think deeply about these questions and find inspiration and is now available on the YouVersion Bible App. Read Now Written by Compassion Canada writers Eunice Yidana and Rebekah Malbrecht, this 3-day devotionals will help you learn how to identify and […]

date: May 18, 2022
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Links to If you only knew: the complexity of our stories

If you only knew: the complexity of our stories

Guest post by Compassion volunteer Andrea Nwabuike As a child of immigrants, I had the pleasure of attending my parents’ Canadian citizenship ceremony. I was an argumentative and strong-willed toddler so when the judge told me that my parents and I were all Canadians, I firmly disagreed. “I’m not Canadian, I’m Nigerian.” The judge tried […]

date: April 22, 2022
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Links to More than a passing grade

More than a passing grade

Grade 11, right after lunch. The sun has warmed the classroom to nap-inducing temperatures and the staccato clacking of chalk on a dusty blackboard is the only thing keeping you awake—and yet strangely, also lulling you into a stupor. You look over your next assignment without fully understanding it and suddenly find yourself wondering, “Is […]

date: September 7, 2021
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Links to Back-to-school: 7 Questions with a Canadian teacher

Back-to-school: 7 Questions with a Canadian teacher

All across the country, parents are pulling out backpacks, replacing too-small running shoes, and wracking their brains for lunchbox combinations that won’t come home rejected. Teachers are setting up lessons and desks, preparing for the rush of noise, questions and energy that will wake their slumbering schoolrooms. It’s back-to-school time. It’s no secret that we […]

date: September 1, 2021
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Links to 5 life-changing letter writing tips for you

5 life-changing letter writing tips for you

Share this video! Share on Facebook | Share on Instagram ____ Along the path outside her home that leads to the local church, six-year-old Fortune regularly saw her peers excitedly walking home, a treasured letter from their sponsor clutched in their hands. She longed to know what it felt like to receive a letter from […]

date: June 29, 2021
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Links to Celebrating Compassion volunteers around the world

Celebrating Compassion volunteers around the world

It’s National Volunteer Week! We’re celebrating our volunteers across Canada whose commitment and adaptability over the past year have inspired us as they’ve continued to make an impact even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, we also want to highlight the multitude of volunteers who serve on the frontlines of Compassion’s programs around […]

date: April 21, 2021
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Links to How Compassion volunteers across Canada live out their passion for Jesus, kids and the Church

How Compassion volunteers across Canada live out their passion for Jesus, kids and the Church

Before and after March 2020. That’s how so much of life is thought about right now, including, for many of us, volunteering with Compassion. Before March 2020, spending a Sunday morning or Friday evening serving behind a Compassion table was a weekend highlight for many Compassion volunteers across Canada. There’s just something about the particular […]

date: April 13, 2021
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Links to Ethical Canadian jewelry company aims to care for those in need

Ethical Canadian jewelry company aims to care for those in need

As God started to breathe new life into her faith, Robin started to feel a shift in her calling. Though she had stepped into a new unknown adventure in her career, she started to sense God planting new dreams inside her heart again—dreams that would combine her love for creativity, for Jesus and for the marginalized.

date: February 4, 2021
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Links to Meet 5 Canadians making a global impact through Compassion’s new online fundraising platform

Meet 5 Canadians making a global impact through Compassion’s new online fundraising platform

In 2020, we launched our brand-new, online fundraising platform. We asked Canadians to join us in a goal of raising $100,000 for our COVID-19 relief fund through online fundraisers. And we were blown away by the response—together raising over $105,000! We wanted to introduce you to some of our amazing Canadian fundraisers and give you a peek into the creative ways they set out to bring practical help and hope to children and families in poverty during COVID-19. 

date: January 5, 2021
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Links to Compassion launches new, online fundraising tool

Compassion launches new, online fundraising tool

COVID-19 may have changed how we do what we do, but it has not changed who we are. That’s why we’ve launched a new, online fundraising tool to help you use your unique gifts, talents and platform to creatively fundraise for children and families in need of practical help and hope during COVID-19.

date: October 29, 2020
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