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We found 5 results for the Giving Tuesday category. Showing all results.

Links to Part of our story: Haiti update

Part of our story: Haiti update

I’ll let you in on a secret: this is a part of our story. Unforgettable. Life-altering. Traumatic. These are words that describe August 14, 2021 for the country of Haiti. 650,000 Haitians were thrust into a humanitarian crisis—260,000 of whom are children—due to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that is now known as the world’s deadliest […]

date: May 18, 2022
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Links to Giving Tuesday: Home is where our heart is

Giving Tuesday: Home is where our heart is

As you read this, thousands of children have been without shelter for over 100 days. When the 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti on August 14, 2021, it damaged or destroyed 12,000 homes of Compassion children and their families leaving them homeless and having to navigate the devastation as their daily reality. Children like Soraya […]

date: November 24, 2021
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Links to A 6-year-old girl asks, ‘Did you come to rebuild my house?’

A 6-year-old girl asks, ‘Did you come to rebuild my house?’

Days after the earthquake in southwestern Haiti on August 14, we shared the story of a little girl whose simple prayers were answered, reminding her and her grandmother of the faithfulness of God to provide through His Church in the midst of incredibly challenging circumstances. Several weeks later we caught up with Soraya and her […]

date: November 17, 2021
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Links to Whatever it takes: Crossing the desert to bring food to the hungry

Whatever it takes: Crossing the desert to bring food to the hungry

Run your fingers through the dirt and you will find a dry and chalky soil sift through the cracks of your fingers. Look up to the sky and you will find one or two clouds in the sky and the heat of the red-hot sun radiating into your squinting eyes. Turn your gaze forward and you will see sand and salt pillars, as far as the eye can see. You don’t see many roads. Manaure isn’t accessible by car.

date: November 13, 2020
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Links to Her father was injured and their table was empty

Her father was injured and their table was empty

Like many breadwinners around the world, Farid returned home after a long day of work and eased into a chair, ready to enjoy the evening with his family. But on this particular evening in late February 2020, when he tried to stand back up to play with his two young daughters, a hot pain flared […]

date: November 13, 2020
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