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We found 22 results for the General category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Words that open worlds: 12 books to build compassion in kids

Words that open worlds: 12 books to build compassion in kids

Did you ever have a book that changed your perspective? Stories are powerful, and words open worlds to us. Books let us practice love and concern for people who we may never meet, grow curiosity about others and fuel the emotions that motivate us not just to feel but to do something good. In short, […]

date: August 10, 2023
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Links to Compassion grad gets PhD to fight food insecurity

Compassion grad gets PhD to fight food insecurity

We recently had the pleasure of catching up with Collins Bugingo, a former Compassion sponsored child who completed his PhD in Plant Science and Plant Pathology last year. We invited Collins to share his unique perspective on food security—as someone who has experienced food insecurity, studied it and is now working to address it.* Food […]

date: June 13, 2023
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Links to What role does the family play in child development?

What role does the family play in child development?

At Compassion, we’re serious about child development and releasing children from poverty in every area of life: physically, cognitively, socially, economically and spiritually. Poverty is far-reaching and multi-faceted, and our approach to fighting it needs to be, too. But a child’s development doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Stability and connectedness are woven into the very […]

date: May 9, 2023
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Links to Canada Day: Reflecting on our diversity and impact

Canada Day: Reflecting on our diversity and impact

Happy Canada Day! Today, we wanted to bring you back to these words we shared on Canada Day back in 2020. As we continue to learn what it means to celebrate the diversity of our supporters, churches, communities and country, these words remain important and relevant. ____ “After this I saw a vast crowd, too […]

date: June 30, 2022
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Links to International Women’s Day 2021: 11 women share their inspiring stories and unshakeable faith

International Women’s Day 2021: 11 women share their inspiring stories and unshakeable faith

The shock of a global pandemic is still reverberating around the world. While everyone is affected, women have been dealt a devastating blow. As quarantine measures shutter schools and day-care facilities, women often shoulder the burden of balancing work with childcare and homeschooling. Social distancing deprives them of the support they could normally lean upon. […]

date: March 1, 2021
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Links to 8 ways to fight local poverty

8 ways to fight local poverty

People often ask us, “Why help people living in poverty in other countries when there’s poverty here in Canada?” It’s a complex question, with a lot to consider, but in many ways, it can be answered quite simply, too: Why not both? At Compassion, our expertise is global poverty. We’re so thankful for partners in […]

date: February 24, 2021
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Links to 5 ways to help kids cope with lockdown

5 ways to help kids cope with lockdown

Lockdown can be tough on kids in a lot of ways. Here are five tips to help your kids cope and thrive during these periods of isolation.

date: February 10, 2021
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Links to 16 moments to make you smile during quarantine

16 moments to make you smile during quarantine

At a time when scrolling the news can feel like navigating landmines of anxiety, take a breather. Enjoy these 16 sweet, funny and beautiful moments featuring Compassion children around the world.

date: April 16, 2020
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Links to Songs, sketches and scriptures to bring peace in hard times

Songs, sketches and scriptures to bring peace in hard times

Take a peaceful break and allow music, art and scripture to minister to you.

date: April 14, 2020
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Links to This girl memorizes her sponsor’s letters

This girl memorizes her sponsor’s letters

Think your letters don’t matter? Think again—Lizbeth values her sponsor’s letters so much that she memorizes them! When we look at the big picture of the life of a child living in poverty, writing a letter can feel like we’re not doing enough. Filling a page with words seems trivial next to an empty belly […]

date: March 5, 2020
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