Search Results

We found 66 results for the Health category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to 3 health and wellness gifts that create bright futures for kids

3 health and wellness gifts that create bright futures for kids

Complete this sentence: If I am healthy, I am  ________. There are many ways to fill that blank—grateful, strong, blessed, to name a few—all meaningful. And that’s the point, isn’t it? Our health is meaningful. There is no minimizing the gift of health. It matters. For children living in poverty, health is an essential ingredient […]

date: November 9, 2023
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Links to Do charity Christmas gift guides really make a difference?

Do charity Christmas gift guides really make a difference?

Around the Christmas holidays, many charities send out gift guides. These guides feature many different ways to be generous and help people in need. But what really happens when you give a gift? Do charity Christmas gift guides really make a difference? At Compassion, we invite you to give through Gifts of Compassion. Our gift […]

date: October 4, 2023
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Links to Smiling through adversity: Juliet’s story of thriving with disability

Smiling through adversity: Juliet’s story of thriving with disability

Juliet’s big smile and bright eyes show no trace of the struggles she has already faced in her young life. She warms up to strangers quickly and has many friends. Her quick laughter might leave you surprised to hear the story of the challenges she has struggled to overcome. Born with unique challenges When she […]

date: September 19, 2023
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Links to How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?

What’s as small a crumb but can fill many plates? A seed, of course! Seeds are miraculous things. In backyard and community gardens across Canada, one little seed can produce up to 40 zucchinis over a summer. One cherry tomato transplant can have you picking bowls of colourful produce from July to September. Food gardens […]

date: May 16, 2023
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Links to She who hungers: Why global hunger hits women and girls worse

She who hungers: Why global hunger hits women and girls worse

Beaded sweat dripping down her brow, Fransciska breathes deep the dusty air kicked up from her worn sandals. Her sombre one-year-old rests his cheek against her jutted shoulder blade. She carries the weight of his hungry body in a green cloth kanga carrier wrapped around her torso. The weight of her precious baby takes a toll on her tired body during today’s 15-kilometre.

But it is nothing compared to the weight of the world she bears each day, fighting to provide for her six hungry children.

date: March 7, 2023
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Links to Gifts that make a difference: 6 high impact Gifts of Compassion

Gifts that make a difference: 6 high impact Gifts of Compassion

Looking for gifts that make a difference? The Gifts of Compassion gift guide is for you! As desperate needs continue to persist around the world, especially amidst a global food crisis, choosing gifts that make a difference matters more than ever. Your generosity is key to the fight against poverty and hunger. With so many […]

date: November 2, 2022
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Links to Period privilege and empowering girls to bleed with dignity

Period privilege and empowering girls to bleed with dignity

Ladies, what’s your day like when you’re on your period? I know it may be somewhat of a personal question or something you honestly don’t give much thought to when you’re not on it, but honestly, pause and think about it for a moment because it matters. If you’re not currently experiencing poverty and are […]

date: May 26, 2022
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Links to 4 answers on exactly where your money goes when you sponsor a child

4 answers on exactly where your money goes when you sponsor a child

Have you ever wondered what happens to your money when you decide to sponsor a child? Or have you been sponsoring a child for years and were always curious about exactly where your money goes and what it’s doing? Well, continue to read on and learn about how sponsorship makes a practical difference for children […]

date: March 30, 2022
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Links to How local churches are setting girls free from FGM in Jesus’ name!

How local churches are setting girls free from FGM in Jesus’ name!

Warning: This content includes mention of abuse and sexual violence against girls. We recommend you read with discretion. Everything changed when Florence turned 12. Instead of a birthday party or a sentimental mother-daughter ceremony to celebrate her transition from childhood to becoming a young lady, Florence’s family received a marriage offer and a bride price. […]

date: February 4, 2022
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Links to A life-threatening diagnosis and the power of a family of faith

A life-threatening diagnosis and the power of a family of faith

Miles away from urbanization, the Salvin River runs quietly, and the breeze passes over a small, isolated village on the Thai-Myanmar border. In the soft light of dawn, Saydomoo reflects on the journey of his son, Haekerporso, over the past year. Just a year ago, Haekerporso was six years old: a lively, active, and confident […]

date: January 27, 2022
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