Search Results

We found 26 results for the Employees and Culture category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Compassion Canada named a 2023 “Best Place to Work” by <i>Canadian HR Reporter</i>

Compassion Canada named a 2023 “Best Place to Work” by Canadian HR Reporter

Compassion Canada is proud to be named one of Canadian HR Reporter’s 2023 “Best Places to Work”! Through surveys completed by employees, organizations are evaluated for CHRR’s list based on employee satisfaction with factors such as health and dental benefits, workplace flexibility, diversity and inclusion, and psychological safety. To be recognized as a Best Place […]

date: October 23, 2023
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Links to How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?

What’s as small a crumb but can fill many plates? A seed, of course! Seeds are miraculous things. In backyard and community gardens across Canada, one little seed can produce up to 40 zucchinis over a summer. One cherry tomato transplant can have you picking bowls of colourful produce from July to September. Food gardens […]

date: May 16, 2023
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Links to Culture at Compassion: Q&A with Misty Fonseca, Chief People Officer

Culture at Compassion: Q&A with Misty Fonseca, Chief People Officer

People and purpose. It takes just a short amount of time with Misty Fonseca, Compassion Canada’s Chief People Officer, to see how much those two things are on her heart. Misty has been leading human resources at Compassion Canada for nine years. We sat down with Misty to talk about being a People and Culture […]

date: January 30, 2023
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Links to Compassion Canada welcomes Jerry Sen, CMO, and Kevin Cawthra, CFO, to executive leadership team

Compassion Canada welcomes Jerry Sen, CMO, and Kevin Cawthra, CFO, to executive leadership team

Compassion Canada is pleased to welcome two new executives to our executive leadership team: Jerry Sen and Kevin Cawthra. ____ Jerry Sen joins Compassion Canada in the role of Chief Marketing and Digital Officer (CMO) Jerry is a transformative digital and brand marketing leader who brings first-hand experience, honed expertise and an impressive legacy of […]

date: November 16, 2022
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Links to Leadership update: CFO Tim DeWeerd steps into new chapter after 13 years with Compassion Canada

Leadership update: CFO Tim DeWeerd steps into new chapter after 13 years with Compassion Canada

After 13 years with the organization, Compassion Canada’s CFO and Executive Director of Business Services, Tim DeWeerd, will be stepping into his “next assignment”, joining Make-A-Wish Canada as Senior VP, Finance and Business Operations. In his time at Compassion, Tim has been a steady and faithful leader, both in his prior years leading finance, technology […]

date: August 15, 2022
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Links to How Shana went from hating math to becoming our Director of Finance

How Shana went from hating math to becoming our Director of Finance

When Shana was 15, she was in an accounting course that she absolutely despised. As a young girl schooling in Zimbabwe, accounting was the one hurdle it seemed she couldn’t overcome. After multiple attempts at trying to pull up her grades, she only felt increasingly discouraged and unmotivated. Not too long before her exams were […]

date: June 29, 2022
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Links to Resilience and impact: Celebrating Asian Heritage Month

Resilience and impact: Celebrating Asian Heritage Month

I have been Asian for over 25 years. In the many different seasons of my life, navigating my Asian identity has looked different as I’ve also fit the pieces together of my identity as a woman, Canadian, writer, daughter… and ultimately as a follower of Jesus. This most recent season has been a particularly striking […]

date: May 11, 2022
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Links to Top 10 things I’ve learned in my first three months at Compassion Canada

Top 10 things I’ve learned in my first three months at Compassion Canada

In December I was hired by Compassion Canada as a Content Specialist and was quickly immersed into an exciting world of justice, love and a cross-cultural mission of setting kids free from poverty in Jesus’ name! Here is a list of a few things I’ve learned as a newbie in this dynamic organization. 1. “Work […]

date: March 3, 2022
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Links to Why Compassion is a great place to work

Why Compassion is a great place to work

Passion. Joy. Meaning. Growth. Camaraderie. Fulfilment. These are all words that rise to the surface when we think about a workplace we will love. We want to be passionate about what we do every day. We want it to be a life-giving space that holds significant meaning for us. We want to grow alongside others […]

date: February 24, 2022
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Links to Black History Month: What the early African Church can teach us about theology, faith and generosity

Black History Month: What the early African Church can teach us about theology, faith and generosity

As a Black Christian woman, reconciling my faith with the painful not-so-distant history of colonization, slavery and oppression of Africans all supposedly in Jesus’ name, has not been easy to do growing up. For many of my Black brothers and sisters in Christ, the history of Christianity and racism can be even harder to bear […]

date: February 11, 2022
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