Search Results

We found 64 results for the Crisis Updates category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Part of our story: Haiti update

Part of our story: Haiti update

I’ll let you in on a secret: this is a part of our story. Unforgettable. Life-altering. Traumatic. These are words that describe August 14, 2021 for the country of Haiti. 650,000 Haitians were thrust into a humanitarian crisis—260,000 of whom are children—due to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that is now known as the world’s deadliest […]

date: May 18, 2022
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Links to New podcast episode: What happens after an earthquake hits Haiti?

New podcast episode: What happens after an earthquake hits Haiti?

On August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the southwestern part of Haiti. Compassion Canada’s President and CEO, Allison Alley, and Compassion International’s Vice President of the Latin America and Caribbean Region, Edouard Lassegue, recently joined host Shelaine Strom on the Ending Poverty Together Podcast to talk about what long-term recovery and development looks […]

date: February 14, 2022
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Links to The Philippines: Super Typhoon Rai updates

The Philippines: Super Typhoon Rai updates

The Philippines is prone to environmental disasters. Recently, the storms have been stronger and more unpredictable. Rai was the 15th typhoon to strike the country this year and is one of the strongest typhoons known to have ever hit the Philippines. Four million people in 400 cities have been affected by this disaster. Super Typhoon […]

date: February 2, 2022
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Links to Rebuilding + Restoring: updates from Haiti

Rebuilding + Restoring: updates from Haiti

On August 14 last year, southwest Haiti was struck hard by a 7.2 earthquake, and thousands were left homeless and injured. Compassion Haiti and our local church partners, already on the ground, responded immediately—and with your incredible generosity, began providing much-needed medical care as well as safe water and food. There was still much to […]

date: January 6, 2022
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Links to Presence: The most effective way to recover in the aftermath of disaster

Presence: The most effective way to recover in the aftermath of disaster

“The link between poverty and vulnerability to disaster is undeniable. As a result, Compassion staff and church partners are often the first ones on the ground in the wake of an emergency—ready and prepared to respond to the needs of children and their families.” – Compassion International Vulnerability—it’s the common denominator between poverty and natural […]

date: August 27, 2021
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Links to Haiti: God answers the simple prayers of a child

Haiti: God answers the simple prayers of a child

“I told you God would answer my prayers,” six-year-old Soraya said as she quickly looked through the emergency food box in front of her. Three days after a devastating 7.2 earthquake hit southwestern Haiti on Saturday, August 14, Soraya told her grandmother Ana she had prayed for God to provide her favorite food. To Ana’s […]

date: August 19, 2021
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Links to 2021 Haiti Earthquake Updates

2021 Haiti Earthquake Updates

The latest updates including answers to frequently asked questions about the 2021 Haiti earthquake.

date: August 16, 2021
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Links to Crisis: Both danger and opportunity are reflected through COVID-19

Crisis: Both danger and opportunity are reflected through COVID-19

Listen in to this inspiring time that church leaders from across Canada spent with Jimmy Mellado, President and CEO of Compassion International. Jimmy shares about the realities for Compassion’s ministry worldwide as well as the remarkable opportunity we have as the Church to do good and meet the needs of the most vulnerable. With Jimmy’s […]

date: July 7, 2021
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Links to Your pandemic impact: over 8 million people and 250 million meals

Your pandemic impact: over 8 million people and 250 million meals

Many Compassion supporters know that we currently serve over 2 million children around the world who are registered in our holistic child development program. But we’re excited to share a new number with you today. Local Compassion centres have shifted their approach to programming through the pandemic to provide emergency support to children and their […]

date: July 2, 2021
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Links to 7 leaders from Compassion’s national offices share their hopes and top priorities for 2021

7 leaders from Compassion’s national offices share their hopes and top priorities for 2021

Despite their varied contexts, the leaders of Compassion’s ministry in the 25 countries where we work share many things in common, too. They are committed followers of Jesus. They value our local church partners. They work hard to see children released from poverty. And this past year, they had to adapt quickly to changing realities […]

date: January 27, 2021
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