Search Results

We found 64 results for the Crisis Updates category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to Youth in Ethiopia volunteer to save local farmers’ crops during locust crisis

Youth in Ethiopia volunteer to save local farmers’ crops during locust crisis

Hearing about a plague of locusts might cause you to think of the famous Bible story told to you in Sunday School. For 46-year-old Behailu, a farmer in Minjar County, Ethiopia, hearing of locusts reminds him of stories told by his father’s generation of farmers. “Our fathers used to tell us how the locusts’ impact […]

date: January 14, 2021
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Links to Year in review: 2020 didn’t stop you from making an impact

Year in review: 2020 didn’t stop you from making an impact

We’re finally in the last moments of 2020. There’s no way to know what 2021 holds, but here’s what we do know: in this year of unthinkable need, our supporters, church partners and global Compassion family stepped up and made an impact for children and families living in poverty unlike anything we’ve seen before. WATCH: […]

date: December 28, 2020
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Links to A Brazilian pastor’s prayer and perspective on the pandemic

A Brazilian pastor’s prayer and perspective on the pandemic

A guest post from Pastor Linaldo, pastor of a Compassion church partner in Brazil. ____ I still remember when I first arrived in this city. The local church needed a pastor, and I thought I would stay for just two years. It has been 28 years since then and I’ve learned to love this city […]

date: December 14, 2020
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Links to The aftermath of 2020’s tropical storms in Latin America and the Philippines

The aftermath of 2020’s tropical storms in Latin America and the Philippines

As the COVID-19 crisis captured our attention this year, other crises like political unrest and environmental disaster were sometimes overlooked. But these crises didn’t pause because of the pandemic. They had profound, layered effects on the lives of the children and families we serve, as well as on our frontline staff. Watch: Compassion International’s President […]

date: December 8, 2020
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Links to Please join us in prayer for the children we serve and our frontline workers

Please join us in prayer for the children we serve and our frontline workers

Hurricanes, civil unrest, economic crises, food shortages. Add these to the ongoing spread of COVID-19 and the reality for people living in extreme poverty is even more dire. Here are ways you can pray.

date: November 25, 2020
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Links to We will be brave: Why child sponsorship matters more than ever

We will be brave: Why child sponsorship matters more than ever

On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, we’re shining a light on those most vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis: children living in poverty.

date: October 15, 2020
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Links to UPDATE: Compassion Distributes More Than 6 Million Food Packs to Families During Pandemic

UPDATE: Compassion Distributes More Than 6 Million Food Packs to Families During Pandemic

God is inspiring his church to rise up. To be the light-bearers in this dark time. To offer physical, emotional and spiritual support to children in need

date: September 17, 2020
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Links to Compassion’s COVID-19 relief efforts by the numbers

Compassion’s COVID-19 relief efforts by the numbers

We’ve been hearing lots of big and harrowing numbers lately. But today, we want to share some big numbers that are worth celebrating. While Compassion’s regular child development programming has been interrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our local church partners have been anything but shut down. They continue to provide life-changing, and in some cases, […]

date: September 10, 2020
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Links to Equipping our neighbours in Brazil: Compassion donates supplies to local hospitals

Equipping our neighbours in Brazil: Compassion donates supplies to local hospitals

As Brazil battles the second-largest outbreak of COVID-19 in the world, Compassion is taking action to ensure the health of local communities.

date: August 26, 2020
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Links to South America Region – Compassion’s COVID-19 Response

South America Region – Compassion’s COVID-19 Response

The latest updates to Compassion programming in South America, with details about our COVID-19 response.

date: August 14, 2020
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