Search Results

We found 29 results for the Alumni category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Compassion grad gets PhD to fight food insecurity

Compassion grad gets PhD to fight food insecurity

We recently had the pleasure of catching up with Collins Bugingo, a former Compassion sponsored child who completed his PhD in Plant Science and Plant Pathology last year. We invited Collins to share his unique perspective on food security—as someone who has experienced food insecurity, studied it and is now working to address it.* Food […]

date: June 13, 2023
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Links to Jean’s story: Spark an impact that multiplies

Jean’s story: Spark an impact that multiplies

Jean is a graduate of Compassion’s program in Haiti, and now lives in Canada. Our team had the opportunity to spend some time with him to hear his story…  Jean was born in Trouin, Haiti. Many families, including his own, lived in poverty. “There was no safe drinking water (potable water), no electricity, no […]

date: January 3, 2023
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Links to WATCH: How can Christians respond to a crisis?

WATCH: How can Christians respond to a crisis?

All of us are affected by rising costs of living as well as complications from recent world events. But some regions of the world have been harder hit than others. Haiti has experienced devastating earthquakes, political unrest and a deepening food crisis. Canadians have reached out with compassion to help.  But have you ever wondered […]

date: November 30, 2022
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Links to WATCH: Compassion alumna Ria connects with her former Compassion centre

WATCH: Compassion alumna Ria connects with her former Compassion centre

On July 13, a small group of Compassion sponsors were part of a first-of-its-kind Compassion Canada virtual event. They had the opportunity to join Compassion alumna Ria on a virtual visit to her former Compassion centre, hear more about the impact of sponsorship, and listen in as Ria was reunited with several important people in […]

date: August 15, 2022
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Links to Eric’s story: What makes life meaningful?

Eric’s story: What makes life meaningful?

Each of our lives is one story comprised of many. The stories of our families, the stories of our communities, the stories of our circumstances and perhaps most importantly, the stories whispered to our hearts. It is those stories, the quiet and unrelenting narratives, that can have the biggest influence on our lives. Eric’s life […]

date: August 11, 2022
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Links to Q&A with a Compassion alumnus: Brian’s story

Q&A with a Compassion alumnus: Brian’s story

Brian was 4 years old when he joined the Compassion program in his local church in Kenya. He was eighteen when he graduated. That means Compassion was a part of Brian’s life for 14 years and has shaped the person he has become today. You can imagine our excitement when we learned that Brian had […]

date: July 6, 2022
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Links to Ria’s story: Growing in confidence and in Christ

Ria’s story: Growing in confidence and in Christ

My name is Ria. I was born and raised in Baguio City, Philippines and I am a proud Compassion alumna. God has been faithful in my life and I am now able to give back as staff at Compassion Canada and as the sponsor of Roger, who is from the same Compassion centre where I […]

date: May 16, 2022
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Links to Liz’s story: Encountering Jesus through sponsorship

Liz’s story: Encountering Jesus through sponsorship

Liz’s childhood Hunger. Violence. Drugs. Robberies. Gangs. This was the childhood community Liz recalls growing up in at only six years old. As a little girl on her way to school, she would often have to walk past a street commonly known as “Smoke Alley” because of the grey, eye-watering haze that surrounded the area. […]

date: April 1, 2022
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Links to Owen’s story: How sponsorship released him into his God-given potential

Owen’s story: How sponsorship released him into his God-given potential

 The slums of Nairobi, Kenya are a hard place to grow up in. Owen knows this firsthand. As a child, he lived in the slums with his two siblings and his mother. Their daily lives were made heavy by the financial constraints of living on $5-$10 per month. Every day, Owen woke up with […]

date: March 10, 2022
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Links to A Life of Compassion: Video interview with former sponsor child Richmond Wandera

A Life of Compassion: Video interview with former sponsor child Richmond Wandera

What happens when you bring two people from different continents together on a call to chat about their passion for Jesus? You get inspired. Joanna la Fleur and Compassion alumnus Richmond Wandera recently sat down for an interview that was filled with passion, hope and love for the church. Joanna la Fleur and Richmond Wandera […]

date: July 14, 2021
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