Search Results

We found 2 results for the Business Partnership category. Showing all results.

Links to Getting down to business: Get to know 3 of Compassion’s dedicated business partners

Getting down to business: Get to know 3 of Compassion’s dedicated business partners

What would you do if you could advocate for children living in poverty through your business? Compassion’s incredible business partners are doing just that in their workplaces daily. Compassion’s business partners are employers and employees who donate, volunteer at Compassion events or write letters to Compassion children. With various business objectives, these men and women […]

date: September 27, 2023
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Links to Partnership with purpose is good for business: 10 Questions with Ian Ardill

Partnership with purpose is good for business: 10 Questions with Ian Ardill

At Compassion, we love partnership. Our programs operate in partnership with local churches in the countries where we serve, and we create bridges of partnership with individual supporters, churches and even businesses here in Canada. Partnership looks different in every situation, but for our long-time supporter Ian Ardill partnering with Compassion has become an important […]

date: May 8, 2023
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