A huge discussion point around the Compassion Canada office this year has been Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance.
If you have no idea what that means, here’s the simple breakdown:
With credit card fraud and identity theft on the rise, Compassion Canada is putting measures in place to adhere to this worldwide standard to keep our sponsors’ information secure.
PCI explained
Here’s a bit more detailed explanation:
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is a worldwide information security standard created to help organizations like Compassion prevent credit card fraud. The standard applies to all organizations which hold, process or pass cardholder information from any credit card. This is done through increased controls around data and its exposure to compromise.
Compassion is being diligent to ensure safety of the financial data our sponsors entrust to us.
Why it’s important for you as an Advocate
Because you help fill out sponsorship forms and take financial information from sponsors, we must ensure that we do our best to protect financial information and avoid any breach.
All Compassion volunteer Advocates must receive training to ensure credit card and sponsorship information is handled with integrity and excellence at all Compassion events.
How do I become PCI Compliant?
A Compassion staff member will provide you with training on PCI Compliance.
The purpose of this training is twofold:
- To bring a heightened awareness among our Advocates about the worldwide information security standard of keeping financial information secure.
- To make you aware of the processes Compassion has put in place to ensure we do everything we can to keep sponsors’ financial information secure at the event and after the event when sponsorship forms are sent back to our office.
This training will ensure you are up to speed on the new standards of how to handle this sensitive information. You will also need to sign a PCI Compliance form to confirm that you agree to Compassion Canada’s PCI standards.
Please contact the Volunteer Advocate Network at advocate@compassion.ca or call 1-800-563-5437 to receive this training.