Search Results

We found 16 results for the Volunteering category. Showing results 11 to 16.

Links to Choosing compassionate generosity one day at a time

Choosing compassionate generosity one day at a time

Compassion volunteer Andrea shares about her transformative journey of radical compassion and generosity

date: October 20, 2020
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Links to 10 inspiring moments we’re thankful for this year

10 inspiring moments we’re thankful for this year

2020 has been tough, but this Thanksgiving, we are choosing to be grateful for the amazing things God’s done through Compassion this year!

date: October 8, 2020
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Links to Vancouver siblings invent bookmark that gives back

Vancouver siblings invent bookmark that gives back

For Elias, 14, Eowyn, 12, and Aerial, 11, from Vancouver, B.C., creativity has always been in their bones. In fact, it’s in their DNA. Their dad, Eric Hennessey, is an entrepreneur who runs multiple businesses in a way that allows him optimum time to spend on his true passion: travelling with his three beautiful kids. Over the years, the imaginative trio has put their creativity into action through small businesses.

date: October 1, 2020
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Links to Easy-to-share stories to help vulnerable children

Easy-to-share stories to help vulnerable children

We’ve collected short, shareable stories to help you share with your community how Compassion is empowering children impacted by COVID-19. All you need to do is copy and paste!

date: July 17, 2020
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Links to Meet 3 creative Canadian volunteers

Meet 3 creative Canadian volunteers

What do a musician, a quilter and a Nerf warrior have in common? Their love for Compassion! Come meet 3 of our incredibly creative Canadian volunteers who are using their gifts, talents and passions to release children from poverty.

date: April 22, 2020
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Links to 3 ways to volunteer in a time of isolation

3 ways to volunteer in a time of isolation

As you try to reconcile this time of being at home with your desire to serve God and serve people, consider these three ways to be His hands and feet as a volunteer in a time of isolation.

date: April 19, 2020
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