Search Results

We found 57 results for the Uncategorized category. Showing results 51 to 57.

Links to Farming for the future

Farming for the future

Sitting in a classroom all day long can be boring. That’s why at one Compassion centre in Minahasa, Indonesia, the tutors have taken the lessons outside—to a plot of land where teenagers are learning to farm chili peppers. Minahasa is located on the northern peninsula of Sulawesi, an island in central Indonesia. Along the coastline, […]

date: May 25, 2015
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Links to Standing strong against child marriage

Standing strong against child marriage

Growing up isn’t always easy. But some girls around the world face challenges many of us can’t even imagine. Sampatya arrived home from her Compassion centre in Bihar, India one afternoon when she overheard her parents talking about her. Listening in, she realized with horror that they had arranged for her to marry a man […]

date: May 16, 2015
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Links to What does Compassion have to do with church planting?

What does Compassion have to do with church planting?

One of our latest exploratory steps in supporting the local church in her mission is church planting.

date: January 1, 2015
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Links to More than able

More than able

Shamim wasn’t always deaf. Her mother abandoned her when she was one and a half years old. She grew up under the care of her grandmother in Luwero, Uganda. Shamim’s grandmother worked as a peasant farmer. When she wasn’t toiling in the fields she was working in the stone quarries. But her meagre income wasn’t […]

date: April 25, 2014
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Links to A survivor’s story

A survivor’s story

In April, 1994, extreme Hutu nationalists began what became known as the Rwandan genocide – the mass murder of around 800,000 people, mostly Tutsi minority. April 7th marks the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Rwandan Genocide. 20 years later, Delphine shares how she discovered God’s grace amid the horror and suffering. When […]

date: April 7, 2014
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Links to Helping the hurting

Helping the hurting

Growing up wasn’t easy for Patrick. His father was a violent man. He drank a lot and beat Patrick’s mother. When Patrick grew older, he got tired of the battling, tired of watching his father hurt his mother. He tried to defend her. Any time he did, his father threw him out of the house to […]

date: April 2, 2014
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On a mission for justice

January 11 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Every year, thousands of children, youth and adults are forced into bondage. Fortunately, there are organizations that are working tirelessly to fight against human trafficking and bring justice to its victims. One of those organizations is International Justice Mission. We spoke with Petra Bosma, Public Affairs Manager for […]

date: January 10, 2014
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