Search Results

We found 57 results for the Uncategorized category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to Q&A with a Compassion alumnus: Brian’s story

Q&A with a Compassion alumnus: Brian’s story

Brian was 4 years old when he joined the Compassion program in his local church in Kenya. He was eighteen when he graduated. That means Compassion was a part of Brian’s life for 14 years and has shaped the person he has become today. You can imagine our excitement when we learned that Brian had […]

date: July 6, 2022
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Links to Day of the African Child: Empowering communities through education

Day of the African Child: Empowering communities through education

As an African child myself, I was raised in the culturally diverse country of Nigeria with a consciousness that formal education is a privilege. Albeit, not in a way that I ever had reason to fear that this access to education could ever be taken away from me, but in a way that allowed me […]

date: June 14, 2022
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Links to Rebuilding + Restoring: updates from Haiti

Rebuilding + Restoring: updates from Haiti

On August 14 last year, southwest Haiti was struck hard by a 7.2 earthquake, and thousands were left homeless and injured. Compassion Haiti and our local church partners, already on the ground, responded immediately—and with your incredible generosity, began providing much-needed medical care as well as safe water and food. There was still much to […]

date: January 6, 2022
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Links to One Small Act: a Christmas cartoon

One Small Act: a Christmas cartoon

This season can feel overwhelming in its demands on our time, energy, and generosity. In those moments, it’s helpful to remember that the enormous love of God arrived in modest packaging. Jesus came as a baby in the humbleness of a manger and the obscurity of the small town of Bethlehem. The Christmas story reminds […]

date: December 13, 2021
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Links to Go to the places we could never reach: how using your platform and voice helps children in poverty

Go to the places we could never reach: how using your platform and voice helps children in poverty

Each year, we are blown away by the many ways that passionate Canadians come alongside us to use their creativity, unique gifts and talents to engage in the fight against poverty. We’ve linked arms with friends, partners and burden-bearers who have become Compassion Ambassadors. They are ministry leaders, worship leaders, artists, entrepreneurs, business owners, bestselling […]

date: December 10, 2021
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Links to Why we need to make a big deal about toilets

Why we need to make a big deal about toilets

There is something in your home that contributes to keeping you healthy more than you would ever give it credit for. What is that life-saving item? Your toilet. Though many of us wouldn’t have our toilet listed at the top of our daily gratitude list, it is something that is absolutely a critical part of […]

date: August 12, 2021
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Links to When pocket change changes lives: Two Canadian teens share their Compassion story

When pocket change changes lives: Two Canadian teens share their Compassion story

At Compassion, we are privileged to connect with some awesome Canadian kids and teenagers. Their creativity, passion and heart for others is inspiring to say the least. Today, we’d love to introduce you to Joshua from Ontario and Cayna from New Brunswick who are both sponsors and volunteers with Compassion. Their stories might just spark […]

date: July 29, 2021
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Links to Developing life skills through sports: 5 Compassion kids display their sporting activities

Developing life skills through sports: 5 Compassion kids display their sporting activities

Sports is a vital physical activity that propels development, fun and produces valuable skills. The 2021 Olympics is around the corner, so we rounded up five Compassion kids involved in sports in their various countries. Carmen, 16, is a national gymnastics champion who portrays her love for God and sports exceptionally despite facing barriers like […]

date: July 22, 2021
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Links to He is a survivor: Abel battled cancer and won

He is a survivor: Abel battled cancer and won

Jonah and the whale. Daniel and the lion’s den. Esther saving her people. David facing Goliath. These are all beloved Bible stories for children and are guaranteed to come up when you ask a Sunday school class what their favourite stories are. One story you would not expect to be a 13-year-old’s favourite is the […]

date: June 1, 2021
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Links to Concert of Hope: A Friday night with dynamic talent that impacts lives

Concert of Hope: A Friday night with dynamic talent that impacts lives

Resonance. It’s a musical term that captures the impact of a note after it has been played or sung. How that note interacts with time and space. The right frequency for maximum amplification. If there is one thing the Concert of Hope knows how to utilize, it’s resonance. With a world-class collection of artists and […]

date: May 25, 2021
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