Search Results

We found 52 results for the Good News category. Showing results 41 to 50.

Links to How the Canadian Church is responding to COVID-19

How the Canadian Church is responding to COVID-19

Two Canadian pastors share how their churches are responding to COVID-19.

date: April 29, 2020
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Links to Good news stories: Ethiopia

Good news stories: Ethiopia

In compliance with the government of Ethiopia, Compassion Ethiopia’s church partners across the country have ceased program activities at their Compassion centres, while all national office staff are working from home. Despite the closures, Compassion Ethiopia is still responding in this critical time, supporting new mothers, providing for families in need and proudly and prayerfully […]

date: April 24, 2020
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Links to How Compassion supporters are helping children around the world during COVID-19

How Compassion supporters are helping children around the world during COVID-19

Compassion Canada and our global partners are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in a unified and strategic way. Our church partners in the field are being empowered to meet the urgent needs of families with children or youth registered in our program.

date: April 16, 2020
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Links to Good news stories: Ecuador

Good news stories: Ecuador

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government of Ecuador has declared a national health emergency. The government has taken measures never seen before in the country, including national curfews and quarantine. Compassion Ecuador has temporarily ceased all activities at all Compassion centres. But despite the closures, pastors, centre directors and Compassion staff continue to […]

date: April 16, 2020
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Links to 16 moments to make you smile during quarantine

16 moments to make you smile during quarantine

At a time when scrolling the news can feel like navigating landmines of anxiety, take a breather. Enjoy these 16 sweet, funny and beautiful moments featuring Compassion children around the world.

date: April 16, 2020
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Links to Stories of how Compassion centres are responding to COVID-19: Part Two

Stories of how Compassion centres are responding to COVID-19: Part Two

Compassion’c local church partners are stepping up to support the children and families in our programs during this time.

date: April 8, 2020
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Links to Stories of how Compassion Centres are Responding to COVID-19: Part One

Stories of how Compassion Centres are Responding to COVID-19: Part One

Our church partners have been part of daily life in their communities for years. Now, in a time of crisis, they are able to quickly respond to rapidly changing situations.

date: April 7, 2020
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Links to Healthcare heroes: Compassion alumni edition

Healthcare heroes: Compassion alumni edition

Compassion empowers children to pursue their dreams and become heroes in their own communities. As you pray for healthcare workers in Canada this week, join us in also celebrating and praying for the amazing healthcare workers who are taking care of children and families across the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic—like Compassion alumnus, Dr. Jose Pina from the Dominican Republic!

date: April 3, 2020
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Links to The Lord’s prayer: for a pandemic

The Lord’s prayer: for a pandemic

Praying the words Jesus taught us over our lives and our world.

date: April 2, 2020
comments: 0 comments
Links to A Global Prayer Guide for COVID-19

A Global Prayer Guide for COVID-19

Join us in covering the world in prayer this week.

date: March 27, 2020
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