Search Results

We found 52 results for the Good News category. Showing results 21 to 30.

Links to No water, no protection: A Salvadoran village’s dry reality

No water, no protection: A Salvadoran village’s dry reality

We’re told to wash our hands to protect ourselves from the virus. But for families in Las Marías, El Salvador who have no water, this kind of protection is a luxury.

date: August 26, 2020
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Links to Eliminating poverty through the local church

Eliminating poverty through the local church

Allison Alley, President and CEO of Compassion Canada, recently sat down with Jason Ballard on the Canadian Church Leaders Podcast to talk about Compassion’s work and why the church is God’s Plan A for bringing love, hope and healing into the world.

date: August 18, 2020
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Links to COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates

Around the world, Compassion staff is working hard to provide support to children and families wherever possible. While many child development centres are temporarily closed to group activities, that does not mean all programmatic activities and expenses have stopped.

date: August 14, 2020
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Links to Surviving a super-cyclone in a global pandemic

Surviving a super-cyclone in a global pandemic

Imagine this. You’re at your home in Bangladesh with your family. You have been for weeks, following directives to stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19. But now, there’s a new risk facing your family: super-cyclone Amphan. It’s the strongest storm ever recorded in the Bay of Bengal. You’re doubtful your home on the […]

date: August 6, 2020
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Links to Compassion student’s sign language cover of Fight Song goes viral

Compassion student’s sign language cover of Fight Song goes viral

Like many of us, Compassion-sponsored student Christine is trying to make the most of her time in quarantine. For the 20-year-old university student studying special education, that means lots of practice for her sign language class. “We learn basic sign language in school, and now in the midst of this crisis, I am learning more […]

date: July 30, 2020
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Links to “Because of COVID-19…”

“Because of COVID-19…”

Did you know that since July, COVID-19 cases are at an all-time high in Kenya? We spoke with some residents of Kibera, Kenya, the largest urban slum in Africa, about how the pandemic has taken a massive toll on their lives.

date: July 21, 2020
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Links to Easy-to-share stories to help vulnerable children

Easy-to-share stories to help vulnerable children

We’ve collected short, shareable stories to help you share with your community how Compassion is empowering children impacted by COVID-19. All you need to do is copy and paste!

date: July 17, 2020
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Links to Good news stories: El Salvador

Good news stories: El Salvador

Virtual orchestra concerts and urgent shelter from a tropical storm— here’s what our friends at Compassion El Salvador are doing to support families through COVID-19.

date: July 7, 2020
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Links to Good news stories: Brazil

Good news stories: Brazil

A catchy tune, life-saving medical care for a mystery sickness, letters over video calls and a healthy pandemic baby—here’s what some of our friends at Compassion Brazil are doing to support families through COVID-19.

date: June 23, 2020
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Links to Perspectives: Compassion alumni on the impact of sponsorship

Perspectives: Compassion alumni on the impact of sponsorship

What do those who were sponsored as children think of child sponsorship?

date: June 16, 2020
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