Search Results

We found 66 results for the Health category. Showing results 61 to 66.

Links to Saving Santos

Saving Santos

Juana, her husband, Miguel and their three young sons live in Totonicapán, or Toto, as the locals call the lush, forested province in western Guatemala. Juana is a housewife and Miguel is a farmer. He earns around $8 CAD per day but usually only finds work three to five days a week. It’s barely enough for this […]

date: April 28, 2016
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Links to Life to the full

Life to the full

In a small town in La Paz, El Salvador, lives a 7-year-old boy named Cruz. He is friendly and outgoing. He loves laughing, snuggling with his mom and listening to Bible stories at his Compassion centre. He also has terminal cancer. Cruz was a strong and healthy child. But in December 2012, he started to […]

date: March 12, 2016
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Links to Learning about HIV/AIDS

Learning about HIV/AIDS

Learning you’re sick is frustrating. But if you are poor, it can be downright terrifying. Especially when it’s HIV/AIDS. Testing positive for HIV is about more than a health problem.  In many cultures, people with HIV or AIDS are shunned by their communities like a modern-day leper. And it’s difficult for sick parents to provide […]

date: November 30, 2015
comments: 2 comments
Links to Stopping Hepatitis B

Stopping Hepatitis B

Many people in the small town of Ba, Ghana, are afraid of HIV/AIDS. But few have ever heard of hepatitis B. When the Compassion centre in Ba held their first health screening, four children tested positive for hepatitis B. The virus spreads through various bodily fluids and, if untreated, can lead to advanced liver scarring, […]

date: November 10, 2015
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Links to Toilet Talk

Toilet Talk

Let’s take a moment to talk about…toilets. Yes, potty talk is usually discouraged. But we’re going to break the rules for a moment because as awkward as it is to talk about them, toilets are important. In many communities where Compassion works, there aren’t many toilets. Doing your business out in the open is normal. […]

date: November 19, 2013
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Links to Widows, orphans and chickens

Widows, orphans and chickens

As you enter Rawa Village in western Kenya, you’re serenaded by clucking chickens and bleating goats. The soil is rich in this green village, and it looks like an idyllic country life. But something sinister has touched this place. Rawa Village has been devastated by HIV/AIDS, in part because of the practice of wife inheritance. […]

date: March 15, 2013
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