Computer lab

Written by: Samuel Lee

Funding required: $33,500

Beneficiaries: 24 beneficiaries

Completion date: December 2024

Country: Peru

Executive summary

Peru is currently facing an unprecedented educational crisis caused in part by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the World Bank, Peru was among the list of countries that took the longest to reopen schools after pandemic lockdowns. The World Bank has estimated that this learning loss has resulted in the equivalent of a 10-year educational setback.

Families living in rural communities across Peru often lack access to the Internet and modern technology, which made it nearly impossible for students to keep up with their schooling during lockdowns. Even as schools returned to in-person learning, many children and youth living in rural communities struggle with no access to computers or a reliable Internet connection. Educational infrastructure in rural communities also presents a challenge—many rural schools still do not have the resources or funding to adequately support students’ learning.

Compassion’s frontline church partner at the Peruvian Evangelical Church of Aco serves 120 school-aged children and youth living in Junin, from the province of Concepción, District of Aco, Peru. Here, many families live in poverty and most children and youth lack access to basic services such as Internet access. Without access to the Internet, these students will continue to fall behind in school and risk dropping out entirely. Learning how to use modern technology is also a vital skill that not only helps children on their educational journeys today but is crucial when searching for a job or pursuing higher education.

Our frontline church partner has been doing everything they can to support registered children and youth, but the Compassion centre currently has only one working computer to serve all 120 participants. Children and youth are often forced to walk long distances to find computer labs outside of their community to complete school assignments.

This intervention will build a new computer lab at PE0673, outfitted with eight new, modern computers and Internet access, as well as lab equipment and furniture like desks and chairs. In addition, 24 students will be selected to participate in a basic computer skills training class, providing them with the technological education they need to thrive in the modern world.



In Junín, 26.4 per cent of families live in poverty and 70 per cent of households do not have access to basic services like the Internet. Although there have been efforts to address these challenges and bring Internet access to both urban and rural areas across Peru, the 2023 Cyclone Yaku damaged roads and made passage into rural communities like Junín even more challenging.

Many students struggle to stay in school and the region has the highest dropout rate in the country. When students leave school before graduation, their face poor job prospects. Many end up working in the agricultural sector, tending crops or finding seasonal jobs. These jobs often do not pay enough for young people to make an adequate living, but without further education, they have little hope for finding reliable work and becoming economically self-sustaining.

The need

Children and youth growing up in Junín, Peru, need improved access to modern technology and basic services like Internet access. Without it, they will fall behind in school, putting their futures at risk.

Your generous support will provide the funds needed to build a modern and fully functional computer lab at the PE0673 Compassion centre. This centre will be equipped with eight computers, Internet access, furniture and other equipment such as projectors/monitors and printers. Students will have access to the computer lab and will be able to complete and print school assignments in a safe and comfortable space.

Your generous gift will also allow 24 students to participate in computer skills training classes. These classes will cover basic computer skills such as typing; researching using the Internet; and using common computer software programs to create documents, presentations and other materials. Church staff will create the training schedule and a computer science teacher will be hired to teach the students. At the end of the two-month training class, the students will receive a certificate of completion.

What your gift will do

Your gift will allow for the addition of a new computer lab at the PE0673 Compassion centre in Peru and provide 24 students with computer skills training classes, including:

  • Preparation for the computer lab
    • Site cleaning
    • Cable installation
    • Electrical wiring installation
    • Sand well
    • Technical assistance
  • Computer lab accessories
    • 8 computers
    • 8 desks and chairs
    • Materials and equipment
  • Installation of computers, Internet and software
  • Windows and Microsoft Office licenses
  • Inauguration centre
    • Snacks
    • Transportation
  • Computer skills classes
  • Monitoring


  • Local contribution: US$769.77
  • Handling of funds: Compassion International Peru will work with the frontline church partner to ensure this project stays within budget.
  • Monitoring and follow-up: The church partner will implement a schedule of use for the computer lab, taking into consideration social distancing regulations. Compassion centre staff will monitor and supervise students who use the computer lab. The frontline church partner will also set aside funds to conduct regular, ongoing maintenance for the lab.

  • February 5, 2024

Samuel Lee

Samuel Lee