Cancer. A hard word. A difficult diagnosis. Many of us have had come close to this word at some point in our lives. It is personal and illicits many complex emotions.

    February 4th was World Cancer Day and we want to acknowledge those who have come face to face with this diagnosis. We honor those who have fought a cancer battle, those who have walked this journey with family members and friends and those who have lost loved ones to cancer. As we invite you into prayer for Compassion children this month, we also invite you to use these prayer prompts for those in your own homes, families, churches and workplaces who are fighting a battle with cancer. We are praying that God’s grace will be evident in every situation and we join with you in praying for those you love.

    This month, join with us in prayer for children who face this diagnosis in the challenging context of poverty. Compassion works to get good health care, treatment and support for those children who are diagnosed with cancer. We want to pray that God will be ever-present in their situations and that they will find grace, hope, support and healing in the name of Jesus.


    Prayer Points
    1. Pray that children fighting cancer will find deep connection and support in their local churches.
    2. Pray for resources and wisdom for caretakers of children with cancer.
    3. Pray for healing for these precious children.


    Lord, we pray for children who are facing cancer. Minister your hope to them and encourage them. Bring people to support them and speak life to them. Uphold their families and loved ones as they walk this journey. Lord, we ask that you will intervene in your sovereignty and heal them by your hand. You are a miracle-working God, a healing God and a God who cares deeply for these children. We commit them to your care. Amen.