Your selfie could help change a child’s life

Written by: Compassion Canada

#SponsorSelfieDay is coming!

This is a day where Compassion sponsors all over the world will be sharing selfies—but not just any selfie! On Saturday, September 16, we want you to share a photo of yourself with your sponsored child’s photo so you can show everyone just how easy it is to impact the life of a child living in poverty.

More than 80,000 Canadians sponsor children through Compassion. Imagine how many children’s lives we can help change if, for every photo posted, one more person decided to sponsor a child?

A global movement

The cool part? We’re going global with this. Our friends in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom are involved, too. Together, that’s more than one million sponsors! How incredible will it be to see Compassion supporters flooding social media with photos of children being released from poverty in Jesus’ name?

But we need your help. It won’t be the same without you.

Let’s use social media for good and celebrate the impact that child sponsorship is having on both you and the child you sponsor. Your post might even help a friend decide to sponsor a child of their own!

What to do

On Saturday, September 16:

  1. Share a photo of your sponsored child on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter. This could be a selfie with their photo or a photo of their profile on your fridge. And if you took a sponsor trip to meet him or her, share a photo of that special moment!
  2. Write why you’re a sponsor in the caption.
  3. Tag @CompassionCA and use the hashtag #SponsorSelfieDay.

That’s it! Make sure you tag us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as we’ll be reposting our favourite photos throughout the day. If you want to share beyond your immediate friends, be sure your post’s privacy is set to ‘public’ on Facebook.

Need some inspiration?

Here are some examples of what you can post:

Take a selfie with you and your child pack.


If you’ve met the child you sponsor in person, share a photo of your visit! This is blogger Ruth Simmons at a home visit in Ecuador.


Share a photo of your desk or fridge.

Get tagging!

Find Compassion Canada on social media:

Facebook @CompassionCA
Instagram @CompassionCA
Twitter @CompassionCA

What if your friends have questions or want to sponsor?

Here are some handy resources:

Words By Zoe Noakes, Compassion Australia, photos supplied by Compassion UK, Compassion International and

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada