Why should I join a Compassion Exposure Trip?

Written by: Compassion Canada


Have you ever thought about going on a Compassion Exposure Trip to meet your sponsored child? Have you ever wondered if it’s really worth it—or if the money could perhaps be better spent?

We sincerely believe that an Exposure Trip with Compassion is worth every penny, and here’s why:

Meeting your sponsored child

Many sponsors embark on the journey of an exposure trip with one thing on their minds—meeting their sponsored child. And who could blame them? This little one has been sending letters and drawings for years. Their little face looks out at them from the refrigerator daily.

Meeting your sponsored child is like nothing you have ever experienced before. Your two-dimensional relationships will develop before your eyes. The words “I love you,” will have new meaning when you hear them on the lips of the little one who has nestled into your heart.

Most sponsors we talk to proclaim after their trip, “I thought I was going to meet my sponsored child to make a difference in their lives, but I received way more from my child than I could have ever given.”

Understanding Compassion

The best way to understand Compassion and the impact you are having on the lives of the children you sponsor is to go and see the work for yourself. There is nothing like it! You will be amazed what God is doing through the local church with your help.

We find that when people get home from an Exposure Trip, they also have new fire to find sponsors for little ones. Others will be moved to sponsor because of the stories you share of how God is working through the local church to help children in need.

Getting closer to God’s heart

A Compassion Exposure Trip is like the best book you have ever read or the best movie you have ever seen. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry and best of all, it will change who you are forever!

Meeting your sponsored child is part of your spiritual journey that God will use to help you understand Him more and His deep heart of compassion. You’ll come home not only with a deeper relationship with your sponsored child, but with a deeper understanding of who God is!