Why can I only see one child?

Why we only show one child on our sponsorship page

Written by: Aaron Armstrong

It’s been about a month since we launched the new website—we hope you’re enjoying it so far! Whenever you make changes, you’re bound to get questions. And one we’ve heard a lot is:

Why can I only see one child on the sponsorship page?

During the redevelopment process, we spent a lot (and we mean a LOT) of time looking into how best to show you children in need of sponsorship. In the process we learned a great deal about how people respond to choice.

It turns out, when it comes to choice, there really can be too much of a good thing. Research performed over the last several decades shows that too many choices can paralyze us.

In our case, the more children in need we show people, the more we risk overwhelming them.

When you see a long page of child after child, all in great need, it can make you give up. You think, “The need’s just too great. I can’t help all these kids…”

And you’d be right. You can’t help them all.

But you can help one.

We want our potential sponsors to focus on caring for one child—rather than feeling overwhelmed by the great need that exists. And that’s also one of the things we love about Compassion: our child focus.

We care for individual boys and girls as they are equipped and released from poverty in Jesus’ name. We connect one child with one sponsor here in Canada who writes them letters of encouragement. We make sure that child gets opportunities to go to school, get food when they need it, make friends and hear about Jesus.

Sponsorship is about connecting deeply with one child. So, we applied that thinking online.

We don’t want you to be overwhelmed by the need of the masses. We want you to connect with the one. You can make a difference in the life of one child as he or she develops a healthy mind, body and relationships—and discovers God’s love in Jesus Christ.

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron is the author of several books, including Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation and the End of Poverty.