Living across the world from your sponsored child, you might find yourself asking, “Is my support really making a significant difference?” You may receive letters that don’t give a lot of detail, and you can’t see the effect your support is having firsthand.

Well, let us tell you something: Your relationship with your sponsored child means the world to them! Don’t believe us? See for yourself what they said about you!

We asked children, “What does your sponsor mean to you?” and here is what they said…


My sponsor is my family and my inspiration.

8- year-old girl lies on her pillow with a stuffed animal, smiling and posing for the camera.

“I want to be a doctor so I can help people, just like my sponsor has helped me. I think of my sponsor as a family member because family members love and look after one another, just like my sponsor does for me.”

— Dewi, 8, Indonesia


My sponsor gives me opportunity.

18- year-old boy wearing a leather jacket stands against a wall with a huge smile on his face.

“If there is anyone greater to me than my parents, then it is my sponsor. It’s difficult for me to express in words how grateful I am for the opportunities given to me.”

— Antor, 18, Bangladesh


My sponsors are like my grandparents.

6-year-old little girl poses with a stuffed koala bear and her Australian sponsors smiling around her. The sponsor is an older man, and his wife.

“Are they here yet?!”

— Poworawan, 6, Thailand

Poworawan calls her sponsors grandma and grandpa. The day her sponsors came to visit, she kept asking, “Are they here yet?!”


My sponsor is a source of happiness.

10 year-old girl sits on her floor smiling with a letter and picture from her sponsors.

 “Anytime I write a letter to my sponsor, I feel happy knowing there is someone who is willing to help and support me. One day, if I meet my sponsor, I would like to hug her and thank her for sponsoring me”

— Delin, 10, Indonesia


My sponsor helps me pursue my dream of education.

18 year-old girl smiles while sitting on a red swing.

Only because I’m sponsored have I been able to continue my education. Because I am continuing my education, my mother hasn’t given my hand in marriage, which allows me to pursue my dream of attending school.”

— Giti, 18, Bangladesh


My sponsor has helped me be a part of a church.

10-year-old girl makes a silly face to the camera in her house.

I am thankful that because of my sponsorship I am now a part of a church. I listen to Bible stories and I tell those stories to my friends. I bring my Bible to school and we read it together.”

— Melanie, 10, Philippines


My sponsor makes me feel loved.

16-year-old girl smiles while posing beside a green tree.

“I feel blessed to have someone love me so much even without seeing me. I cannot express in words how much they mean to me. Thank you, dear sponsor.”

 — Mili, 16, Bangladesh


You can make a life-changing difference in the life of a child.

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Field reporting and photos by Vera Aurima, Edwin Estioko, J. Sangma and Piyamary Shinoda

Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips is a Content Specialist at Compassion Canada. She is passionate about pursuing justice and mercy through writing, crafting, music, and sharing stories over a cup of strong coffee.