What letter writing is really all about

Written by: Aaron Armstrong

Letter writing might be a bit of a lost art—but letters really do have a positive impact on your Compassion child, even if you don’t realize it. Watch as Averil Shadd shares about the relationship she’s developed with Abner, her Compassion child from Nicaragua, and the difference she believes it makes in his life and her own:

“Letter writing is really important because it gives us a chance to have the lines of communication open… to show [Abner] that I’m interested in what he’s doing…”

Keep the lines of communication open with your Compassion child. Take five minutes, log in to My Compassion or click here to send your child a short note of encouragement today.

Write today!

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Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron is the author of several books, including Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation and the End of Poverty.